Tutorial: Implementing a Macro for Caravel


If you do not have prior experience with OpenLane, please make sure to go through the Getting Started: Newcomers tutorial first.

AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard which is a symmetric encryption algorithm widely used across the globe to secure data. It operates on blocks of data using keys of 128, 192, or 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt information, providing a high level of security and efficiency for electronic data protection. In this tutorial, we are going to harden an AES core and have it as a Caravel User Project macro to serve as an accelerator for the chip Caravel.

About Caravel

The Efabless Caravel chip is a ready-to-use test harness for creating designs with the Google/Skywater 130nm Open PDK. The Caravel harness comprises of base functions supporting IO, power, and configuration as well as drop-in modules for a management SoC core, and an approximately 3000um x 3600um open project area for the placement of user IP blocks.

See Caravel’s documentation for more information.

Creating your own project repository

  1. Start by creating a new repository from the Caravel user project OpenLane 2 template. Let’s call it caravel_aes_accelerator.

  2. Open a terminal and clone your repository as follows:

    $ git clone git@github.com:<github_user_name>/caravel_aes_accelerator.git ~/caravel_aes_accelerator

RTL integration

We begin by using the open-source RTLs for AES by Joachim Strömbergson and adding a Wishbone bus wrapper for Caravel. Since the RTL from secworks provides a generic memory interface, we only need to add the ack, write_enable, and read_enable logic to the Wishbone wrapper.

  1. Clone the secworks/aes Git repository

    $ git clone git@github.com:secworks/aes.git ~/secworks_aes
  2. Create the Verilog file ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/verilog/rtl/aes_wb_wrapper.v and add the Wishbone wrapper to the RTL:

    // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
    // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    // limitations under the License.
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    `default_nettype none
    module aes_wb_wrapper (
    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
        inout VPWR,
        inout VGND,
        // Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
        input wb_clk_i,
        input wb_rst_i,
        input wbs_stb_i,
        input wbs_cyc_i,
        input wbs_we_i,
        input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
        input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
        input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
        output wbs_ack_o,
        output [31:0] wbs_dat_o
        wire valid;
        wire write_enable;
        wire read_enable;
        reg wbs_ack_o_reg;
        assign valid = wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i;
        assign write_enable = wbs_we_i && valid;
        assign read_enable = ~wbs_we_i && valid;
        aes aes(
            // Clock and reset.
            // Control.
            .cs(wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i),
            // Data ports.
        // Ack logic
        always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) begin
            if (wb_rst_i)
                wbs_ack_o_reg <= 1'b0;
            else if (wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i && ~wbs_ack_o_reg)
                wbs_ack_o_reg <= 1'b1;
                wbs_ack_o_reg <= 1'b0;
        assign wbs_ack_o = wbs_ack_o_reg;
    `default_nettype none
  3. Instantiate the aes_wb_wrapper in the user_project_wrapper Verilog file under ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/verilog/rtl

    // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
    // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    // limitations under the License.
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    `default_nettype none
     * user_project_wrapper
     * This wrapper enumerates all of the pins available to the
     * user for the user project.
     * An example user project is provided in this wrapper.  The
     * example should be removed and replaced with the actual
     * user project.
    module user_project_wrapper #(
        parameter BITS = 32
    ) (
    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
        inout vdda1,	// User area 1 3.3V supply
        inout vdda2,	// User area 2 3.3V supply
        inout vssa1,	// User area 1 analog ground
        inout vssa2,	// User area 2 analog ground
        inout vccd1,	// User area 1 1.8V supply
        inout vccd2,	// User area 2 1.8v supply
        inout vssd1,	// User area 1 digital ground
        inout vssd2,	// User area 2 digital ground
        // Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
        input wb_clk_i,
        input wb_rst_i,
        input wbs_stb_i,
        input wbs_cyc_i,
        input wbs_we_i,
        input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
        input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
        input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
        output wbs_ack_o,
        output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
        // Logic Analyzer Signals
        input  [127:0] la_data_in,
        output [127:0] la_data_out,
        input  [127:0] la_oenb,
        // IOs
        input  [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
        output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
        output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
        // Analog (direct connection to GPIO pad---use with caution)
        // Note that analog I/O is not available on the 7 lowest-numbered
        // GPIO pads, and so the analog_io indexing is offset from the
        // GPIO indexing by 7 (also upper 2 GPIOs do not have analog_io).
        inout [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-10:0] analog_io,
        // Independent clock (on independent integer divider)
        input   user_clock2,
        // User maskable interrupt signals
        output [2:0] user_irq
    /* User project is instantiated  here   */
    aes_wb_wrapper mprj (
    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
        // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
    endmodule	// user_project_wrapper
    `default_nettype wire

See also

Check out Caravel User Project’s documentation on Verilog Integration for information about the changes that were done to the RTL.

Hardening strategies

There are 3 options for implementing a Caravel User Project design using OpenLane:

  1. Macro-First Hardening: Harden the user macro(s) initially and incorporate them into the user project wrapper without top-level standard cells. Ideal for smaller designs, as this approach significantly reduces Placement and Routing (PnR) and signoff time.

  2. Full-Wrapper Flattening: Merge the user macro(s) with the user_project_wrapper, covering the entire wrapper area. While this method demands more time and iterations for PnR and signoff, it ultimately enhances performance, making it suitable for designs requiring the full wrapper area.

  3. Top-Level Integration: Place the user macro(s) within the wrapper alongside standard cells at the top level. This method is typically chosen to introduce buffering at the top level, fitting scenarios where such an approach is necessary.

See also

See the Caravel Integration & Power Routing document for more information about these options.

1. Macro-First Hardening strategy

We will start with the first hardening option. That entails:

  1. Hardening the aes core with the Wishbone wrapper as a macro

  2. Hardening the user_project_wrapper with the aes macro hardened in the previous step

…the latter of which, will be integrated into the Caravel harness.

AES Wishbone Wrapper Hardening


  1. Create a design directory to add our source files to:

    $ mkdir -p ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/aes_wb_wrapper
  2. Create the file ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/aes_wb_wrapper/config.json and add the following simple configuration to it

    "DESIGN_NAME": "aes_wb_wrapper",
    "FP_PDN_MULTILAYER": false,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25,
    "FP_CORE_UTIL": 40

This is a basic configuration file which has only these variables:

  • DESIGN_NAME: the name of the design, which is equal to the name of the top module in Verilog.

  • CLOCK_PORT: the name of the clock port in said top module.

  • CLOCK_PERIOD: the period of the primary clock port in nanoseconds, used to determine the chip frequency. Generally, the lowest you can get away with is the best. \(\text{f} = 1 / (\texttt{CLOCK_PERIOD}ns) = 1 / (25\text{ns}) = 25 \text{MHz}\)

  • VERILOG_FILES: List of input Verilog files.

  • FP_CORE_UTIL: The core utilization. Typical values for the core utilization range from 25% to 60%. 40% is a good starting value - we can adjust it later if we need to (i.e. one of the tools complains.)

  • FP_PDN_MULTILAYER: We set this to false as we are hardening a chip for integration into Caravel. You may review Power Distribution Networks for more information on this.

Running the flow

To harden macros with OpenLane, we use the default flow, Classic.

Let’s try running the flow from OpenLane:

[nix-shell:~]$ openlane ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/aes_wb_wrapper/config.json


Double-checking: are you inside a nix-shell? Your terminal prompt should look like this:


If not, enter the following command in your terminal:

$ nix-shell --pure ~/openlane2/shell.nix

The flow will finish successfully in ~20 minutes (depending on the speed of your computer) and we will see:

Flow complete.

Viewing the layout

To open the final GDSII layout run this command:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane --last-run --flow openinklayout ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/aes_wb_wrapper/config.json

This opens KLayout and you should be able to see the following:


Fig. 26 Final layout of aes_wb_wrapper


You can control the visible layers in KLayout by double-clicking on the layers you want to hide/unhide. In this figure, the layers areaid.lowTapDensity and areaid.standardc were hidden to view the layout more clearly.

Checking the reports

You’ll find that a run directory (named something like runs/RUN_2024-02-05_16-46-01) was created when you ran OpenLane. Under this folder, the logs, reports, and physical views will be located. It is always a good idea to review all logs and reports for all the steps in your run. However, in this guide, we will only review the main signoff reports from a couple of steps.


The names of step directories are constructed as follows:


…where ordinal is a counter showing in what order a step was run, and step_id_slugified is, broadly, the step’s ID converted to lowercase and dots replaced with dashes.


There are 2 OpenROAD.CheckAntennas steps. One after OpenROAD.GlobalRouting and the other after OpenROAD.DetailedRouting. We are interested in the one after OpenROAD.DetailedRouting as this is the final antenna check.

See also

For more information about antenna violations, check this section again in the newcomers’ guide.

Inside the step directory of OpenROAD.CheckAntennas, there is a reports directory that contains two files; the full antenna check report from OpenROAD and a summary table of antenna violations:

┃ Partial/Required ┃ Required ┃ Partial ┃ Net                                  ┃ Pin         ┃ Layer ┃
│ 8.43             │ 400.00   │ 3373.21 │ net337                               │ _19592_/A1  │ met3  │
│ 4.06             │ 400.00   │ 1624.33 │ _06003_                              │ _20370_/A_N │ met1  │
│ 3.84             │ 400.00   │ 1534.48 │ net40                                │ _19524_/A0  │ met3  │
│ 3.68             │ 400.00   │ 1471.09 │ _09365_                              │ wire82/A    │ met3  │
│ 3.51             │ 400.00   │ 1402.54 │ aes.core.dec_block.block_w0_reg[12\] │ _35456_/A0  │ met3  │
│ 3.33             │ 400.00   │ 1330.55 │ _13932_                              │ _34198_/A   │ met3  │
│ 3.33             │ 400.00   │ 1330.55 │ _13932_                              │ _34199_/A1  │ met3  │

As seen in the report, there are around 110 antenna violations some of which have high ratios up to 8. It is recommended to fix all antenna violations with ratios higher than 3 and the higher the ratio Partial/Required the more severely it might affect the chip. In order to fix those antenna violations, one or more of the following solutions can be applied:

  1. Increase the number of iterations for antenna repair using GRT_ANTENNA_ITERS. The default value is 3. We can increase it to 10 by adding this to our config.json file.

  1. Increase the margin for antenna repair using GRT_ANTENNA_MARGIN. The default value is 10. We can increase it to 15.

  1. Enable heuristic diode insertion using RUN_HEURISTIC_DIODE_INSERTION:

  1. Constrain the max wire length (in µm) using DESIGN_REPAIR_MAX_WIRE_LENGTH.

  1. Optimize the global placement for minimum wire length using PL_WIRE_LENGTH_COEF.

    "PL_WIRE_LENGTH_COEF": 0.05,


Under xx-openroad-stapostpnr there should be a file called summary.rpt:

┃              ┃ Hold Worst   ┃ Reg to Reg   ┃          ┃ Hold         ┃ of which Reg ┃ Setup Worst  ┃ Reg to Reg   ┃           ┃ Setup       ┃ of which Reg ┃ Max Cap     ┃ Max Slew     ┃
┃ Corner/Group ┃ Slack        ┃ Paths        ┃ Hold TNS ┃ Violations   ┃ to Reg       ┃ Slack        ┃ Paths        ┃ Setup TNS ┃ Violations  ┃ to Reg       ┃ Violations  ┃ Violations   ┃
│ Overall      │ 0.1045       │ 0.1045       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 6.2448       │ 6.2448       │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 257         │ 1554         │
│ nom_tt_025C… │ 0.3111       │ 0.3111       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 12.5817      │ 15.9480      │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 179         │ 126          │
│ nom_ss_100C… │ 0.8728       │ 0.8728       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 6.6277       │ 6.6277       │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 191         │ 1227         │
│ nom_ff_n40C… │ 0.1058       │ 0.1058       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 13.4537      │ 19.3029      │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 181         │ 26           │
│ min_tt_025C… │ 0.3098       │ 0.3098       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 12.6013      │ 16.1989      │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 119         │ 76           │
│ min_ss_100C… │ 0.8712       │ 0.8712       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 7.0939       │ 7.0939       │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 122         │ 849          │
│ min_ff_n40C… │ 0.1045       │ 0.1045       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 13.4665      │ 19.4702      │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 119         │ 0            │
│ max_tt_025C… │ 0.3131       │ 0.3131       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 12.5529      │ 15.7241      │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 239         │ 183          │
│ max_ss_100C… │ 0.8762       │ 0.8762       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 6.2448       │ 6.2448       │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 257         │ 1554         │
│ max_ff_n40C… │ 0.1073       │ 0.1073       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 13.4347      │ 19.1522      │ 0.0000    │ 0           │ 0            │ 239         │ 36           │

As seen in the report, there are no hold or setup violations. There are only Max Cap and Max Slew violations. To see the violations:

  1. Open the report checks under xx-openroad-stapostpnr/max_ss_100C_1v60 since this corner has the highest number of Max Cap and Max Slew violations.

  2. Search for max slew and you will find the violations listed as follows:

Pin                                        Limit        Slew       Slack
_31022_/B1                              0.750000    2.000525   -1.250525 (VIOLATED)
_34084_/A2                              0.750000    1.999526   -1.249526 (VIOLATED)
_31021_/Y                               0.750000    1.998896   -1.248896 (VIOLATED)
_29818_/B                               0.750000    1.815682   -1.065682 (VIOLATED)
_32128_/A2                              0.750000    1.815665   -1.065665 (VIOLATED)
_30041_/A                               0.750000    1.815654   -1.065654 (VIOLATED)
_29817_/Y                               0.750000    1.814748   -1.064748 (VIOLATED)
wire109/A                               0.750000    1.773218   -1.023218 (VIOLATED)
_21294_/Y                               0.750000    1.773215   -1.023215 (VIOLATED)
wire91/A                                0.750000    1.683392   -0.933392 (VIOLATED)

In order to fix the maximum slew/cap violations, one or more of the following solutions can be applied:

  1. Relax the MAX_TRANSITION_CONSTRAINT to 1.5ns as this is the constraint in the sky130 lib files

  1. Increase the slew/cap repair margins using DESIGN_REPAIR_MAX_SLEW_PCT and DESIGN_REPAIR_MAX_CAP_PCT. The default value is 20%. We can increase it to 30%:

  1. Change the default timing corner using DEFAULT_CORNER for the corner with the most violations which will be max_ss_100C_1v60 in our case:

    "DEFAULT_CORNER": "max_ss_100C_1v60",
  1. Enable post-global routing design optimizations using RUN_POST_GRT_DESIGN_REPAIR:

  1. Most importantly, it is recommended to use design-specific SDC files for your design using the PNR_SDC_FILE and SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE variables.

    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::cons.sdc",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::cons.sdc",


Under the directory xx-magic-drc, you will find a file named reports/drc.rpt that summarizes the DRC violations reported by Magic. The design is DRC clean so the report will look like this:

[INFO] Should be divided by 3 or 4


Under the directory xx-klayout-drc, you will find a file named violations.json that summarizes the DRC violations reported by KLayout. The design is DRC clean so the report will look like this with "total": 0 at the end:

  "total": 0


Under the directory xx-netgen-lvs, you will find a file named lvs.rpt that summarizes the LVS violations reported by netgen. The design is LVS clean so the last part of the report will look like this:

Cell pin lists are equivalent.
Device classes aes_wb_wrapper and aes_wb_wrapper are equivalent.

Final result: Circuits match uniquely.

Re-running the flow with a modified configuration

To fix the previous issues in the implementation, the following was added to the config file:

    "DEFAULT_CORNER": "max_ss_100C_1v60",
    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::pnr.sdc",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc"

…and the following 2 constraints files pnr.sdc and signoff.sdc were created at ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/aes_wb_wrapper/:

# Design Constraints

# Clock network
set clk_input wb_clk_i
create_clock [get_ports $clk_input] -name clk -period 25
puts "\[INFO\]: Creating clock {clk} for port $clk_input with period: 25"

# Clock non-idealities
set_propagated_clock [get_clocks {clk}]
set_clock_uncertainty 0.12 [get_clocks {clk}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting clock uncertainty to: 0.12"

# Maximum transition time for the design nets
set_max_transition 0.75 [current_design]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting maximum transition to: 0.75"

# Maximum fanout
set_max_fanout 16 [current_design]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting maximum fanout to: 16"

# Timing paths delays derate
set_timing_derate -early [expr {1-0.07}]
set_timing_derate -late [expr {1+0.07}]

# Multicycle paths
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]

# Retrieved Constraints then modified

# Clock source latency
set usr_clk_max_latency 4.57
set usr_clk_min_latency 4.11
set clk_max_latency 5.70
set clk_min_latency 4.40
set_clock_latency -source -max $clk_max_latency [get_clocks {clk}]
set_clock_latency -source -min $clk_min_latency [get_clocks {clk}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting clock latency range: $clk_min_latency : $clk_max_latency"

# Clock input Transition
set_input_transition 0.61 [get_ports $clk_input]

# Input delays
set_input_delay -max 3.27 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 3.84 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_delay -max 3.99 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 4.23 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_input_delay -max 4.71 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 4.84 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_delay -min 0.50 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 0.94 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 1.09 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 1.55 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_delay -min 1.20 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_delay -min 1.46 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]

# Reset input delay
set_input_delay [expr 25 * 0.5] -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wb_rst_i}]

# Input Transition
set_input_transition -max 0.14  [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.15  [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.17  [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.18  [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.84  [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.92  [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.07  [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.07  [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_transition -min 0.15  [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]

# Output delays
set_output_delay -max 3.72 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_o[*]}]
set_output_delay -max 8.51 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_output_delay -min 1.03 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_o[*]}]
set_output_delay -min 1.27 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]

# Output loads
set_load 0.19 [all_outputs]
# Design Constraints

# Clock network
set clk_input wb_clk_i
create_clock [get_ports $clk_input] -name clk -period 25
puts "\[INFO\]: Creating clock {clk} for port $clk_input with period: 25"

# Clock non-idealities
set_propagated_clock [get_clocks {clk}]
set_clock_uncertainty 0.1 [get_clocks {clk}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting clock uncertainty to: 0.1"

# Maximum transition time for the design nets
set_max_transition 1.5 [current_design]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting maximum transition to: 1.5"

# Maximum fanout
set_max_fanout 16 [current_design]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting maximum fanout to: 16"

# Timing paths delays derate
set_timing_derate -early [expr {1-0.05}]
set_timing_derate -late [expr {1+0.05}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting timing derate to: [expr {0.05 * 100}] %"

# Multicycle paths
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]

# Retrieved Constraints

# Clock source latency
set usr_clk_max_latency 4.57
set usr_clk_min_latency 4.11
set clk_max_latency 5.57
set clk_min_latency 4.65
set_clock_latency -source -max $clk_max_latency [get_clocks {clk}]
set_clock_latency -source -min $clk_min_latency [get_clocks {clk}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting clock latency range: $clk_min_latency : $clk_max_latency"

# Clock input Transition
set_input_transition 0.61 [get_ports $clk_input]

# Input delays
set_input_delay -max 3.17 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 3.74 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_delay -max 3.89 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 4.13 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_input_delay -max 4.61 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 4.74 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_delay -min 0.79 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 1.04 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 1.19 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 1.65 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_delay -min 1.69 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_delay -min 1.86 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]

# Reset input delay
set_input_delay [expr 25 * 0.5] -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wb_rst_i}]

# Input Transition
set_input_transition -max 0.14  [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.15  [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.17  [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.18  [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.84  [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.92  [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.07  [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.07  [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_transition -min 0.15  [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]

# Output delays
set_output_delay -max 3.62 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_o[*]}]
set_output_delay -max 8.41 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_output_delay -min 1.13 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_o[*]}]
set_output_delay -min 1.37 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]

# Output loads
set_load 0.19 [all_outputs]

The Design Constraints part has to do with the design itself. The Retrieved Constraints part is retrieved from the Caravel chip boundary constraints with the user_project_wrapper. These constraints can be found here. The PnR constraints file has more aggressive constraints than the signoff one, this is done to accommodate the gap between the optimization tool estimation of parasitics and the final extractions on the layout.

See also

For the most comprehensive guide available on making SDC files, we recommend this excellent book by Sridhar Gangadharan and Sanjay Churiwala:

Constraining Designs for Synthesis and Timing Analysis: A Practical Guide to Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC)

So, the final config.json is as follows:

    "DESIGN_NAME": "aes_wb_wrapper",
    "FP_PDN_MULTILAYER": false,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25,
    "FP_CORE_UTIL": 40,
    "DEFAULT_CORNER": "max_ss_100C_1v60",
    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::pnr.sdc",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc"

Now let’s try re-running the flow:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/aes_wb_wrapper/config.json

Re-checking the reports

Now, the antenna report under xx-openroad-checkantennas-1/reports/antenna_summary.rpt has much less violations:


The number of antenna violations may vary wildly depending on the configuration variables AND environment variables (such as the operating system) as the detailed router is highly heuristic.

On macOS, around a dozen violations are returned.

┃ Partial/Required ┃ Required ┃ Partial ┃ Net     ┃ Pin        ┃ Layer ┃
│ 1.24             │ 400.00   │ 495.45  │ _12832_ │ _27256_/B2 │ met3  │
│ 1.23             │ 400.00   │ 493.06  │ _13527_ │ _26076_/A2 │ met3  │

Also, the STA report at xx-openroad-stapostpnr/summary.rpt should have no issues:

┃           ┃ Hold      ┃           ┃          ┃           ┃ of which  ┃ Setup     ┃           ┃           ┃           ┃ of which  ┃           ┃          ┃
┃           ┃ Worst     ┃ Reg to    ┃          ┃ Hold      ┃ Reg to    ┃ Worst     ┃ Reg to    ┃           ┃ Setup     ┃ Reg to    ┃ Max Cap   ┃ Max Slew ┃
┃ Corner/G… ┃ Slack     ┃ Reg Paths ┃ Hold TNS ┃ Violatio… ┃ Reg       ┃ Slack     ┃ Reg Paths ┃ Setup TNS ┃ Violatio… ┃ Reg       ┃ Violatio… ┃ Violati… ┃
│ Overall   │ 0.1601    │ 0.1601    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 4.4661    │ 6.0628    │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ nom_tt_0… │ 0.2973    │ 0.3282    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 10.4185   │ 15.6935   │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ nom_ss_1… │ 0.7765    │ 0.7803    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 4.6415    │ 6.5571    │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ nom_ff_n… │ 0.1650    │ 0.1650    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 11.1307   │ 19.2289   │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ min_tt_0… │ 0.3215    │ 0.3215    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 10.5622   │ 15.9933   │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ min_ss_1… │ 0.7678    │ 0.7678    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 4.8466    │ 7.0670    │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ min_ff_n… │ 0.1601    │ 0.1601    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 11.1436   │ 19.4234   │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ max_tt_0… │ 0.2648    │ 0.3330    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 10.2510   │ 15.4043   │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ max_ss_1… │ 0.7331    │ 0.7868    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 4.4661    │ 6.0628    │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │
│ max_ff_n… │ 0.1656    │ 0.1656    │ 0.0000   │ 0         │ 0         │ 11.1023   │ 19.0289   │ 0.0000    │ 0         │ 0         │ 0         │ 0        │

Saving the views

To save the views, run the following script with the following arguments in order:

  1. The directory of the project

  2. The macro name

  3. The successful run tag

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ bash ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/copy_views.sh ~/caravel_aes_accelerator aes_wb_wrapper RUN_TAG

This will copy the physical views of the macro in the specified run to your project folder.

User Project Wrapper Hardening


The User Project Wrapper is a macro inside the Caravel chip which will include our design. To be able to use any design as a Caravel User Project, it has to match the footprint that Caravel is expecting. Also, the top-level design Caravel is expecting any Caravel User Project to have the IO pins at specific locations and with specific dimensions. So, we need a fixed floorplan, fixed I/Os pin shapes and locations, and fixed power rings. The fixed configuration section can be found at the end of the configurations file openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json:

    "//": "Fixed configurations for Caravel. You should NOT edit this section",
    "DESIGN_NAME": "user_project_wrapper",
    "FP_SIZING": "absolute",
    "DIE_AREA": [0, 0, 2920, 3520],
    "FP_DEF_TEMPLATE": "dir::fixed_dont_change/user_project_wrapper.def",
    "VDD_NETS": [
    "GND_NETS": [
    "FP_PDN_CORE_RING": 1,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25,

The rest of the configuration file can be edited. Now, We need the following edits for the openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json in order to integrate our macro inside the user_project_wrapper:

  1. Replace the user_proj_example in the MACROS variable with our macro. First, we change the physical views to aes_wb_wrapper. Second, we can modify the macro location to [1500, 1500] to be in the middle of the chip. The new macro variable will be:

    "MACROS": {
        "aes_wb_wrapper": {
            "gds": [
            "lef": [
            "instances": {
                "mprj": {
                    "location": [1500, 1500],
                    "orientation": "N"
            "nl": [
            "spef": {
                "min_*": [
                "nom_*": [
                "max_*": [
            "lib": {
                "*": "dir::../../lib/aes_wb_wrapper.lib"
  1. Update the power pins in PDN_MACRO_CONNECTIONS to the macro power pins

    "PDN_MACRO_CONNECTIONS": ["mprj vccd2 vssd2 VPWR VGND"],


If we have multiple macros, we can add more entries to the variable MACROS.

Running the flow

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json


Double-checking: are you inside a nix-shell? Your terminal prompt should look like this:


If not, enter the following command in your terminal:

$ nix-shell --pure ~/openlane2/shell.nix

The flow will finish successfully in ~7 minutes and we will see:

Flow complete.

Viewing the layout

To open the final GDSII layout run this command:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane --last-run --flow openinklayout ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json

This opens KLayout and you should be able to see the following:


Fig. 27 Final layout of the user_project_wrapper


You can control the visible layers in KLayout by double-clicking on the layers you want to hide/unhide. In this figure, the layers areaid.lowTapDensity, areaid.diode, and areaid.standardc were hidden to view the layout more clearly.

As seen in the layout, we have our aes macro placed around the middle and if we only show the layers: prBoundary.boundary, met1.drawing, met2.drawing, and met3.drawing. We will see long and unnecessary routes because of 2 things:

  1. The AES macro is placed very far from its connections. It should be placed at the bottom left corner.

  2. The pins of the AES macro should be on the south only.


Fig. 28 Long routes in the user_project_wrapper

Checking the reports


There should be no antenna violations.

┃ Partial/Required ┃ Required ┃ Partial ┃ Net ┃ Pin ┃ Layer ┃


Looking at xx-openroad-stapostpnr/summary.rpt and the Max Slew section in xx-openroad-stapostpnr/max_ss_100C_1v60/checks.rpt, there are max transition violations. If we look at the nets with violations, we will find that those are the long nets we saw in the GDS.

┃                ┃ Hold Worst     ┃ Reg to Reg     ┃          ┃ Hold           ┃ of which Reg   ┃ Setup Worst    ┃ Reg to Reg     ┃           ┃ Setup          ┃ of which Reg   ┃ Max Cap       ┃ Max Slew       ┃
┃ Corner/Group   ┃ Slack          ┃ Paths          ┃ Hold TNS ┃ Violations     ┃ to Reg         ┃ Slack          ┃ Paths          ┃ Setup TNS ┃ Violations     ┃ to Reg         ┃ Violations    ┃ Violations     ┃
│ Overall        │ 0.0108         │ 0.0108         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 1.6312         │ 7.1309         │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 70             │
│ nom_tt_025C_1… │ 0.1371         │ 0.1596         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 8.2216         │ 16.2820        │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 45             │
│ nom_ss_100C_1… │ 0.0830         │ 0.5879         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 2.2298         │ 7.6748         │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 56             │
│ nom_ff_n40C_1… │ 0.0120         │ 0.0120         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 10.2962        │ 19.5219        │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 39             │
│ min_tt_025C_1… │ 0.1579         │ 0.1579         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 8.8353         │ 16.5546        │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 30             │
│ min_ss_100C_1… │ 0.1465         │ 0.5847         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 2.9034         │ 8.1574         │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 38             │
│ min_ff_n40C_1… │ 0.0108         │ 0.0108         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 10.8591        │ 19.7016        │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 28             │
│ max_tt_025C_1… │ 0.1038         │ 0.1618         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 7.6237         │ 15.9806        │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 65             │
│ max_ss_100C_1… │ 0.0268         │ 0.5914         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 1.6312         │ 7.1309         │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 70             │
│ max_ff_n40C_1… │ 0.0135         │ 0.0135         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 9.7517         │ 19.3107        │ 0.0000    │ 0              │ 0              │ 0             │ 58             │
Max Slew

Pin                                        Limit        Slew       Slack
wbs_dat_o[2]                            1.500000    5.265976   -3.765976 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[26]                           1.500000    5.214964   -3.714964 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[25]                           1.500000    4.767642   -3.267642 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[8]                            1.500000    4.650988   -3.150988 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[23]                           1.500000    4.362167   -2.862167 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[29]                           1.500000    3.906245   -2.406245 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[28]                           1.500000    3.703813   -2.203813 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[27]                           1.500000    3.586008   -2.086008 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[31]                           1.500000    3.301759   -1.801759 (VIOLATED)
wbs_dat_o[17]                           1.500000    2.757454   -1.257454 (VIOLATED)


Under the directory xx-magic-drc, you will find a file named reports/drc.rpt that summarizes the DRC violations reported by magic. The design is DRC clean so the report will look like this:

[INFO] Should be divided by 3 or 4


Under the directory xx-klayout-drc, you will find a file named violations.json file that summarizes the DRC violations reported by KLayout. The design is DRC clean so the report will look like this with "total": 0 at the end:

  "total": 0


Under the directory xx-netgen-lvs, you will find a file named lvs.rpt that summarizes the LVS violations reported by netgen. The design is LVS clean so the last part of the report will look like this:

Cell pin lists are equivalent.
Device classes user_project_wrapper and user_project_wrapper are equivalent.

Final result: Circuits match uniquely.

Re-running the flow with a modified configuration

To fix the long routes issue that causes maximum transition violations, 3 things should be done:

  1. Create the pin order configuration file for aes_wb_wrapper in openlane/aes_wb_wrapper/pin_order.cfg:

  1. Add the Odb.CustomIOPlacement::FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG variable to openlane/aes_wb_wrapper/config.json

    "DESIGN_NAME": "aes_wb_wrapper",
    "FP_PDN_MULTILAYER": false,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25,
    "FP_CORE_UTIL": 40,
    "DEFAULT_CORNER": "max_ss_100C_1v60",
    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::pnr.sdc",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc",
    "FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG": "dir::pin_order.cfg"
  1. Update the location of the macro in the openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json to [10, 20]

    "//": "Design files",
    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc",

    "//": "Hardening strategy variables (this is for 1-Macro-First Hardening). Visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pf-wbpgjeNEM-1TcvX2OJTkHjqH_C9p-LURCASS0Zo8 for more info",
    "FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS": false,
    "RUN_ANTENNA_REPAIR": false,
    "RUN_FILL_INSERTION": false,
    "RUN_CTS": false,
    "RUN_IRDROP_REPORT": false,

    "//": "Macros configurations",
    "MACROS": {
        "aes_wb_wrapper": {
            "gds": [
            "lef": [
            "instances": {
                "mprj": {
                    "location": [10, 20],
                    "orientation": "N"
            "nl": [
            "spef": {
                "min_*": [
                "nom_*": [
                "max_*": [
            "lib": {
                "*": "dir::../../lib/aes_wb_wrapper.lib"
    "PDN_MACRO_CONNECTIONS": ["mprj vccd2 vssd2 VPWR VGND"],

    "//": "PDN configurations",
    "FP_PDN_VOFFSET": 5,
    "FP_PDN_HOFFSET": 5,
    "FP_PDN_VWIDTH": 3.1,
    "FP_PDN_HWIDTH": 3.1,
    "FP_PDN_VSPACING": 15.5,
    "FP_PDN_HSPACING": 15.5,
    "FP_PDN_VPITCH": 180,
    "FP_PDN_HPITCH": 180,

    "//": "Magic variables",
    "MAGIC_DRC_USE_GDS": true,

    "//": "Fixed configurations for Caravel. You should NOT edit this section",
    "DESIGN_NAME": "user_project_wrapper",
    "FP_SIZING": "absolute",
    "DIE_AREA": [0, 0, 2920, 3520],
    "FP_DEF_TEMPLATE": "dir::fixed_dont_change/user_project_wrapper.def",
    "VDD_NETS": [
    "GND_NETS": [
    "FP_PDN_CORE_RING": 1,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25,

Now let’s re-run the flow for the aes_wb_wrapper:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/aes_wb_wrapper/config.json

Then, after checking the aes_wb_wrapper reports, save the physical views using:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ bash ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/copy_views.sh ~/caravel_aes_accelerator aes_wb_wrapper RUN_TAG

Then rerun the user_project_wrapper

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json

Re-checking the layout

To open the final GDSII layout run this command:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane --last-run --flow openinklayout ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json

Now our macro is placed at the bottom left corner close to the wishbone pins.


Fig. 29 Final layout of the user_project_wrapper

And if we zoom to the AES macro and view only prBoundary.boundary, met1.drawing, met2.drawing, and met3.drawing, there are no long routes anymore.


Fig. 30 Shorter routes in the user_project_wrapper

Re-checking the reports

The STA report xx-openroad-stapostpnr/summary.rpt now has no issues:

┃                ┃ Hold Worst     ┃ Reg to Reg     ┃          ┃ Hold           ┃ of which Reg   ┃ Setup Worst   ┃ Reg to Reg     ┃           ┃ Setup         ┃ of which Reg   ┃ Max Cap       ┃ Max Slew       ┃
┃ Corner/Group   ┃ Slack          ┃ Paths          ┃ Hold TNS ┃ Violations     ┃ to Reg         ┃ Slack         ┃ Paths          ┃ Setup TNS ┃ Violations    ┃ to Reg         ┃ Violations    ┃ Violations     ┃
│ Overall        │ 0.0502         │ 0.0502         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 6.0984        │ 6.6834         │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ nom_tt_025C_1… │ 0.2279         │ 0.2279         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 11.0441       │ 16.0780        │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ nom_ss_100C_1… │ 0.3832         │ 0.7152         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 6.2205        │ 7.0983         │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ nom_ff_n40C_1… │ 0.0519         │ 0.0519         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 11.0893       │ 19.4628        │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ min_tt_025C_1… │ 0.2256         │ 0.2256         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 11.0382       │ 16.3619        │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ min_ss_100C_1… │ 0.4091         │ 0.7107         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 6.3816        │ 7.5777         │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ min_ff_n40C_1… │ 0.0502         │ 0.0502         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 11.0806       │ 19.6363        │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ max_tt_025C_1… │ 0.2304         │ 0.2304         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 11.0653       │ 15.8331        │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ max_ss_100C_1… │ 0.3418         │ 0.7198         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 6.0984        │ 6.6834         │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │
│ max_ff_n40C_1… │ 0.0537         │ 0.0537         │ 0.0000   │ 0              │ 0              │ 11.1018       │ 19.2829        │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0              │ 0             │ 0              │

Saving the views

To save the views, run the following script with the following arguments in order:

  1. The directory of the project

  2. The macro name

  3. The successful run tag

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ bash ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/copy_views.sh ~/caravel_aes_accelerator user_project_wrapper RUN_TAG

This will copy the physical views of the macro in the specified run to your project folder.

Congrats! Now you have an AES accelerator as a Caravel user project.

2. Full-Wrapper Flattening strategy

In this strategy, we will harden the user_project_wrapper with the aes as one large flattened macro.


Since we will only harden the user_project_wrapper. Only the openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json will be edited. The following edits are needed for the user_project_wrapper

  1. Add the AES Verilog files

  1. Remove the Macros configurations section as there will not be any macros

  2. Update the hardening strategy part to the flattened version

    "//": "Hardening strategy variables (this is for 2-Full-Wrapper Flattening). Visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pf-wbpgjeNEM-1TcvX2OJTkHjqH_C9p-LURCASS0Zo8 for more info",
    "FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS": true,
    "RUN_CTS": true,
    "RUN_IRDROP_REPORT": true,
        "vccd1": "dir::vsrc/upw_vccd1_vsrc.loc",
        "vssd1": "dir::vsrc/upw_vssd1_vsrc.loc"

Now the full configuration file will be:

    "//": "Design files",
    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc",
    "//": "Hardening strategy variables (this is for 2-Full-Wrapper Flattening). Visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pf-wbpgjeNEM-1TcvX2OJTkHjqH_C9p-LURCASS0Zo8 for more info",
    "FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS": true,
    "RUN_CTS": true,
    "RUN_IRDROP_REPORT": true,

    "//": "PDN configurations",
    "FP_PDN_VOFFSET": 5,
    "FP_PDN_HOFFSET": 5,
    "FP_PDN_VWIDTH": 3.1,
    "FP_PDN_HWIDTH": 3.1,
    "FP_PDN_VSPACING": 15.5,
    "FP_PDN_HSPACING": 15.5,
    "FP_PDN_VPITCH": 180,
    "FP_PDN_HPITCH": 180,

    "//": "Magic variables",
    "MAGIC_DRC_USE_GDS": true,

    "//": "Fixed configurations for Caravel. You should NOT edit this section",
    "DESIGN_NAME": "user_project_wrapper",
    "FP_SIZING": "absolute",
    "DIE_AREA": [0, 0, 2920, 3520],
    "FP_DEF_TEMPLATE": "dir::fixed_dont_change/user_project_wrapper.def",
    "VDD_NETS": [
    "GND_NETS": [
    "FP_PDN_CORE_RING": 1,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25,

Running the flow

To harden macros with OpenLane, we use the default flow, Classic.

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json

The flow will finish successfully in ~2 hours and we will see:

Flow complete.

Viewing the layout

To open the final GDSII layout run this command:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane --last-run --flow openinklayout ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json

Now, we can see that there are STD cells all over the user_project_wrapper without any macros. Also, we can see that the logic is clustered in the bottom left corner close to the Wishbone bus.


Fig. 31 Final layout of the user_project_wrapper after flattening

Checking the reports


There are around 260 antenna violations with ratios up to 7.

┃ Partial/Required ┃ Required ┃ Partial ┃ Net                                       ┃ Pin          ┃ Layer ┃
│ 7.55             │ 400.00   │ 3018.79 │ _14743_                                   │ _28341_/B    │ met3  │
│ 6.82             │ 400.00   │ 2727.89 │ net1493                                   │ _24384_/B    │ met1  │
│ 4.68             │ 400.00   │ 1870.11 │ mprj.aes.core.enc_block.block_w0_reg[18\] │ _20471_/A    │ met1  │
│ 3.86             │ 400.00   │ 1544.22 │ _11561_                                   │ _22409_/A0   │ met1  │
│ 3.80             │ 400.00   │ 1519.33 │ _11868_                                   │ _22752_/A0   │ met1  │
│ 3.71             │ 400.00   │ 1485.23 │ _14658_                                   │ fanout1328/A │ met1  │
│ 3.61             │ 400.00   │ 1443.72 │ net19                                     │ hold86/A     │ met2  │
│ 3.45             │ 400.00   │ 1380.11 │ mprj.aes.core.enc_block.block_w1_reg[6\]  │ _22727_/A1   │ met1  │

We can fix those the same way we did in the AES here.


Looking at xx-openroad-stapostpnr/summary.rpt, there are multiple max Slew/Cap violations and 1 hold violation which is not Reg to Reg.

┃              ┃ Hold Worst   ┃ Reg to Reg   ┃          ┃ Hold         ┃ of which Reg ┃ Setup Worst   ┃ Reg to Reg   ┃           ┃ Setup         ┃ of which Reg ┃ Max Cap       ┃ Max Slew     ┃
┃ Corner/Group ┃ Slack        ┃ Paths        ┃ Hold TNS ┃ Violations   ┃ to Reg       ┃ Slack         ┃ Paths        ┃ Setup TNS ┃ Violations    ┃ to Reg       ┃ Violations    ┃ Violations   ┃
│ Overall      │ -0.0108      │ 0.1068       │ -0.0108  │ 1            │ 0            │ 5.1907        │ 5.1907       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 44            │ 275          │
│ nom_tt_025C… │ 0.1236       │ 0.3212       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.2213       │ 15.3832      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 1             │ 4            │
│ nom_ss_100C… │ 0.4500       │ 0.8885       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 5.7475        │ 5.7475       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 38            │ 235          │
│ nom_ff_n40C… │ 0.0365       │ 0.1079       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.1783       │ 18.8282      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ min_tt_025C… │ 0.1726       │ 0.3196       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.2516       │ 15.6835      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 1             │ 1            │
│ min_ss_100C… │ 0.5527       │ 0.8798       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 6.2822        │ 6.2822       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 29            │ 168          │
│ min_ff_n40C… │ 0.0791       │ 0.1068       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.2090       │ 19.0602      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ max_tt_025C… │ 0.0536       │ 0.3234       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.1886       │ 15.0609      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 5             │ 25           │
│ max_ss_100C… │ 0.3233       │ 0.8972       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 5.1907        │ 5.1907       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 44            │ 275          │
│ max_ff_n40C… │ -0.0108      │ 0.1095       │ -0.0108  │ 1            │ 0            │ 11.1440       │ 18.5834      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │

The max Slew/Cap violations can be fixed the same way as in this section. For the hold violation, it is in the max_ff_n40C_1v95 corner. To investigate the timing path, open the report xx-openroad-stapostpnr/max_ff_n40C_1v95/min.rpt and the violation will be in the first timing path.


There might be more hold violations or no violations at all depending on the version of OpenLane being used as this is a violation with a very small negative slack and the results can slightly change with OpenLane or OpenROAD updates.

To fix hold violations, one or more of the following solutions can be applied:

  1. Enable post-global routing timing optimizations using RUN_POST_GRT_RESIZER_TIMING:

  1. Increase the hold repair margins using PL_RESIZER_HOLD_SLACK_MARGIN and GRT_RESIZER_HOLD_SLACK_MARGIN. The default values are 0.1ns and 0.05ns. We can increase those as follows:

  1. Change the default timing corner using DEFAULT_CORNER:

    "DEFAULT_CORNER": "max_tt_025C_1v80",
  1. Most importantly, it is recommended to use a specific constraint file for your design using PNR_SDC_FILE and SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE

    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::cons.sdc",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::cons.sdc",


Under the directory xx-magic-drc, you will find a file named reports/drc.rpt that summarizes the DRC violations reported by magic. The design is DRC clean so the report will look like this:

[INFO] Should be divided by 3 or 4


Under the directory xx-klayout-drc, you will find a file named violations.json that summarizes the DRC violations reported by KLayout. The design is DRC clean so the report will look like this with "total": 0 at the end:

  "total": 0


Under the directory xx-netgen-lvs, you will find a file named lvs.rpt that summarizes the LVS violations reported by Netgen. The design is LVS clean so the last part of the report will look like this:

Cell pin lists are equivalent.
Device classes user_project_wrapper and user_project_wrapper are equivalent.

Final result: Circuits match uniquely.

Re-running the flow with a modified configuration

To fix the previous issues in the implementation, the following was added to the user_project_wrapper config file:

    "//": "New variables",
    "PL_WIRE_LENGTH_COEF": 0.05,
    "DEFAULT_CORNER": "max_tt_025C_1v80",

and the following constraints file pnr.sdc was created at ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/. This file is originally copied from ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/signoff.sdc and edited to fix the transition and hold violations:

# Copied from signoff.sdc then edited

### Note:
# - input clock transition and latency are set for wb_clk_i port.
#   If your design is using the user_clock2, update the clock constraints to reflect that and use usr_* variables.
# - IO ports are assumed to be asynchronous. If they're synchronous to the clock, update the variable IO_SYNC to 1.
#   As well, update in_ext_delay and out_ext_delay with the required I/O external delays.

# Pre-defined Constraints

set ::env(IO_SYNC) 0
# Clock network
if {[info exists ::env(CLOCK_PORT)] && $::env(CLOCK_PORT) != ""} {
    set clk_input $::env(CLOCK_PORT)
    create_clock [get_ports $clk_input] -name clk -period $::env(CLOCK_PERIOD)
    puts "\[INFO\]: Creating clock {clk} for port $clk_input with period: $::env(CLOCK_PERIOD)"
} else {
    set clk_input __VIRTUAL_CLK__
    create_clock -name clk -period $::env(CLOCK_PERIOD)
    puts "\[INFO\]: Creating virtual clock with period: $::env(CLOCK_PERIOD)"
if { ![info exists ::env(SYNTH_CLK_DRIVING_CELL)] } {
if { ![info exists ::env(SYNTH_CLK_DRIVING_CELL_PIN)] } {

# Clock non-idealities
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
set_clock_uncertainty 0.15 [get_clocks {clk}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting clock uncertainty to: 0.15"
set_clock_transition $::env(SYNTH_CLOCK_TRANSITION) [get_clocks {clk}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting clock transition to: $::env(SYNTH_CLOCK_TRANSITION)"

# Maximum transition time for the design nets
set_max_transition 0.75 [current_design]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting maximum transition to: 0.75"

# Maximum fanout
set_max_fanout 16 [current_design]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting maximum fanout to: 16"

# Timing paths delays derate
set_timing_derate -early [expr {1-0.07}]
set_timing_derate -late [expr {1+0.07}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting timing derate to: [expr {0.07 * 100}] %"

# Reset input delay
set_input_delay [expr $::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) * 0.5] -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wb_rst_i}]

# Multicycle paths
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -through [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_multicycle_path -hold 1  -through [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]

# Retrieved Constraints

# Clock source latency
set usr_clk_max_latency 4.57
set usr_clk_min_latency 4.11
set clk_max_latency 5.57
set clk_min_latency 4.65
set_clock_latency -source -max $clk_max_latency [get_clocks {clk}]
set_clock_latency -source -min $clk_min_latency [get_clocks {clk}]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting clock latency range: $clk_min_latency : $clk_max_latency"

# Clock input Transition
set usr_clk_tran 0.13
set clk_tran 0.61
set_input_transition $clk_tran [get_ports $clk_input]
puts "\[INFO\]: Setting clock transition: $clk_tran"

# Input delays
set_input_delay -max 1.87 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {la_data_in[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 1.89 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {la_oenb[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 3.17 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 3.74 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_delay -max 3.89 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 4.13 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_input_delay -max 4.61 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -max 4.74 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_delay -min 0.18 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {la_data_in[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 0.3  -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {la_oenb[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 0.79 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
# wbs_dat_i minimum input delay was decreased here to fix hold violations
set_input_delay -min 0.80 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 1.19 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_delay -min 1.65 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_delay -min 1.69 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_delay -min 1.86 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
if { $::env(IO_SYNC) } {
    set in_ext_delay 4
    puts "\[INFO\]: Setting input ports external delay to: $in_ext_delay"
    set_input_delay -max [expr $in_ext_delay + 4.55] -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {io_in[*]}]
    set_input_delay -min [expr $in_ext_delay + 1.26] -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {io_in[*]}]

# Input Transition
set_input_transition -max 0.14  [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.15  [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.17  [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_transition -max 0.18  [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.38  [get_ports {io_in[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.84  [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.86  [get_ports {la_data_in[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.92  [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -max 0.97  [get_ports {la_oenb[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.05  [get_ports {io_in[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.06  [get_ports {la_oenb[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.07  [get_ports {la_data_in[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.07  [get_ports {wbs_adr_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.07  [get_ports {wbs_dat_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_cyc_i}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_sel_i[*]}]
set_input_transition -min 0.09  [get_ports {wbs_we_i}]
set_input_transition -min 0.15  [get_ports {wbs_stb_i}]

# Output delays
set_output_delay -max 0.7  -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {user_irq[*]}]
set_output_delay -max 1.0  -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {la_data_out[*]}]
set_output_delay -max 3.62 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_o[*]}]
set_output_delay -max 8.41 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
set_output_delay -min 0    -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {la_data_out[*]}]
set_output_delay -min 0    -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {user_irq[*]}]
set_output_delay -min 1.13 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_dat_o[*]}]
set_output_delay -min 1.37 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {wbs_ack_o}]
if { $::env(IO_SYNC) } {
    set out_ext_delay 4
    puts "\[INFO\]: Setting output ports external delay to: $out_ext_delay"
    set_output_delay -max [expr $out_ext_delay + 9.12] -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {io_out[*]}]
    set_output_delay -max [expr $out_ext_delay + 9.32] -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {io_oeb[*]}]
    set_output_delay -min [expr $out_ext_delay + 2.34] -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {io_oeb[*]}]
    set_output_delay -min [expr $out_ext_delay + 3.9]  -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports {io_out[*]}]

# Output loads
set_load 0.19 [all_outputs]

Then, the PnR SDC file path was edited in the JSON file.

    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::pnr.sdc",

Now the final ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json file will be:

    "//": "Design files",
    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::pnr.sdc",
    "//": "Hardening strategy variables (this is for 2-Full-Wrapper Flattening). Visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pf-wbpgjeNEM-1TcvX2OJTkHjqH_C9p-LURCASS0Zo8 for more info",
    "FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS": true,
    "RUN_CTS": true,
    "RUN_IRDROP_REPORT": true,
        "vccd1": "dir::vsrc/upw_vccd1_vsrc.loc",
        "vssd1": "dir::vsrc/upw_vssd1_vsrc.loc"

    "//": "PDN configurations",
    "FP_PDN_VOFFSET": 5,
    "FP_PDN_HOFFSET": 5,
    "FP_PDN_VWIDTH": 3.1,
    "FP_PDN_HWIDTH": 3.1,
    "FP_PDN_VSPACING": 15.5,
    "FP_PDN_HSPACING": 15.5,
    "FP_PDN_VPITCH": 180,
    "FP_PDN_HPITCH": 180,

    "//": "Magic variables",
    "MAGIC_DRC_USE_GDS": true,

    "//": "New variables",
    "PL_WIRE_LENGTH_COEF": 0.05,
    "DEFAULT_CORNER": "max_tt_025C_1v80",

    "//": "Fixed configurations for Caravel. You should NOT edit this section",
    "DESIGN_NAME": "user_project_wrapper",
    "FP_SIZING": "absolute",
    "DIE_AREA": [0, 0, 2920, 3520],
    "FP_DEF_TEMPLATE": "dir::fixed_dont_change/user_project_wrapper.def",
    "VDD_NETS": [
    "GND_NETS": [
    "FP_PDN_CORE_RING": 1,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25,

Now let’s try re-running the flow:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json

The flow will finish successfully in ~2 hours and we will see:

Flow complete.

Re-checking the reports

Now, the antenna report under xx-openroad-checkantennas-1/reports/antenna_summary.rpt has much less violations:

┃ Partial/Required ┃ Required ┃ Partial ┃ Net                                 ┃ Pin        ┃ Layer ┃
│ 2.03             │ 400.00   │ 810.79  │ _08755_                             │ _19772_/C  │ met3  │
│ 2.00             │ 400.00   │ 798.00  │ _14836_                             │ _28092_/A  │ met1  │
│ 1.75             │ 400.00   │ 701.33  │ _11832_                             │ _22711_/A0 │ met1  │
│ 1.70             │ 400.00   │ 678.78  │ _11884_                             │ _22770_/A0 │ met1  │
│ 1.62             │ 400.00   │ 647.67  │ net1481                             │ _25071_/B  │ met1  │
│ 1.61             │ 3130.28  │ 5050.41 │ _14758_                             │ _28362_/B  │ met4  │
│ 1.40             │ 3130.28  │ 4394.16 │ _14751_                             │ _28352_/B  │ met4  │
│ 1.39             │ 3130.28  │ 4350.98 │ _14707_                             │ _28292_/B  │ met4  │

Also, the STA report xx-openroad-stapostpnr/summary.rpt has no issues:

┃              ┃ Hold Worst   ┃ Reg to Reg   ┃          ┃ Hold         ┃ of which Reg ┃ Setup Worst  ┃ Reg to Reg   ┃           ┃ Setup         ┃ of which Reg ┃ Max Cap       ┃ Max Slew     ┃
┃ Corner/Group ┃ Slack        ┃ Paths        ┃ Hold TNS ┃ Violations   ┃ to Reg       ┃ Slack        ┃ Paths        ┃ Setup TNS ┃ Violations    ┃ to Reg       ┃ Violations    ┃ Violations   ┃
│ Overall      │ 0.0486       │ 0.0486       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 5.2837       │ 5.2837       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ nom_tt_025C… │ 0.2274       │ 0.2274       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.0726      │ 15.1596      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ nom_ss_100C… │ 0.2414       │ 0.7146       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 5.8981       │ 5.8981       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ nom_ff_n40C… │ 0.0497       │ 0.0497       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.0978      │ 18.6822      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ min_tt_025C… │ 0.2253       │ 0.2253       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.0640      │ 15.5219      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ min_ss_100C… │ 0.3307       │ 0.7108       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 6.5295       │ 6.5295       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ min_ff_n40C… │ 0.0486       │ 0.0486       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.0946      │ 18.9314      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ max_tt_025C… │ 0.2292       │ 0.2292       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.0804      │ 14.7813      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ max_ss_100C… │ 0.1453       │ 0.7174       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 5.2837       │ 5.2837       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ max_ff_n40C… │ 0.0509       │ 0.0509       │ 0.0000   │ 0            │ 0            │ 11.0951      │ 18.3978      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │

Saving the views

To save the views, run the following script with the following arguments in order:

  1. The directory of the project

  2. The macro name

  3. The successful run tag

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ bash ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/copy_views.sh ~/caravel_aes_accelerator user_project_wrapper RUN_TAG

This will copy the physical views of the macro in the specified run to your project folder.

Congrats! Now you have another AES accelerator as a Caravel user project.

3. Top-Level Integration strategy

In the top-level integration methodology, we will need the AES with the wishbone wrapper as a macro, then integrate it in the User Project’s Wrapper with optimizations and cell insertion enabled on the top level.

AES Wishbone Wrapper Hardening

For the AES, we can use the macro hardened in the Macro-first hardening strategy here.

User Project Wrapper Hardening


The following edits are needed for this strategy:

  1. Change the Hardening strategy variables:

    "//": "Hardening strategy variables (this is for 3-Top-Level Integration). Visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pf-wbpgjeNEM-1TcvX2OJTkHjqH_C9p-LURCASS0Zo8 for more info",
    "FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS": true,
    "RUN_CTS": true,
    "RUN_IRDROP_REPORT": false,
  1. Since we will have the AES as macro, the Macro Configurations section should be reverted:

    "//": "Macros configurations",
    "MACROS": {
        "aes_wb_wrapper": {
            "gds": [
            "lef": [
            "instances": {
                "mprj": {
                    "location": [1500, 1500],
                    "orientation": "N"
            "nl": [
            "spef": {
                "min_*": [
                "nom_*": [
                "max_*": [
            "lib": {
                "*": "dir::../../lib/aes_wb_wrapper.lib"
    "PDN_MACRO_CONNECTIONS": ["mprj vccd2 vssd2 VPWR VGND"],
  1. Change the new variables section to just have the antenna and maximum wire-length variables

    "//": "New variables",

So, the final config.json for the User Project’s Wrapper will be:

    "QUIT_ON_SYNTH_CHECKS": false,

    "//": "Design files",
    "PNR_SDC_FILE": "dir::pnr.sdc",
    "//": "Hardening strategy variables (this is for 3-Top-Level Integration). Visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pf-wbpgjeNEM-1TcvX2OJTkHjqH_C9p-LURCASS0Zo8 for more info",
    "FP_PDN_ENABLE_RAILS": true,
    "RUN_CTS": true,
    "RUN_IRDROP_REPORT": false,

    "//": "Macros configurations",
    "MACROS": {
        "aes_wb_wrapper": {
            "gds": [
            "lef": [
            "instances": {
                "mprj": {
                    "location": [1500, 1500],
                    "orientation": "N"
            "nl": [
            "spef": {
                "min_*": [
                "nom_*": [
                "max_*": [
            "lib": {
                "*": "dir::../../lib/aes_wb_wrapper.lib"
    "PDN_MACRO_CONNECTIONS": ["mprj vccd2 vssd2 VPWR VGND"],

    "//": "PDN configurations",
    "FP_PDN_VOFFSET": 5,
    "FP_PDN_HOFFSET": 5,
    "FP_PDN_VWIDTH": 3.1,
    "FP_PDN_HWIDTH": 3.1,
    "FP_PDN_VSPACING": 15.5,
    "FP_PDN_HSPACING": 15.5,
    "FP_PDN_VPITCH": 180,
    "FP_PDN_HPITCH": 180,

    "//": "Magic variables",
    "MAGIC_DRC_USE_GDS": true,

    "//": "New variables",

    "//": "Fixed configurations for caravel. You should NOT edit this section",
    "DESIGN_NAME": "user_project_wrapper",
    "FP_SIZING": "absolute",
    "DIE_AREA": [0, 0, 2920, 3520],
    "FP_DEF_TEMPLATE": "dir::fixed_dont_change/user_project_wrapper.def",
    "VDD_NETS": [
    "GND_NETS": [
    "FP_PDN_CORE_RING": 1,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "wb_clk_i",
    "SIGNOFF_SDC_FILE": "dir::signoff.sdc",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25,

Running the flow

To harden macros with OpenLane, we use the default flow, Classic.

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json

The flow will finish successfully in ~1.5 hours and we will see:

Flow complete.

Viewing the layout

To open the final GDSII layout run this command:

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ openlane --last-run --flow openinklayout ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.json

Now, we can see that there are STD cells all over the user_project_wrapper and there is our macro in the middle.


Fig. 32 Final layout of the user_project_wrapper with Top-level integration

Checking the reports


There are no antenna violations at all since we already have the antenna variables in our configuration.

┃ Partial/Required ┃ Required ┃ Partial ┃ Net ┃ Pin ┃ Layer ┃


Looking at xx-openroad-stapostpnr/summary.rpt, there are no issues.

┃               ┃ Hold Worst    ┃ Reg to Reg    ┃          ┃ Hold          ┃ of which Reg ┃ Setup Worst   ┃ Reg to Reg   ┃           ┃ Setup         ┃ of which Reg ┃ Max Cap       ┃ Max Slew     ┃
┃ Corner/Group  ┃ Slack         ┃ Paths         ┃ Hold TNS ┃ Violations    ┃ to Reg       ┃ Slack         ┃ Paths        ┃ Setup TNS ┃ Violations    ┃ to Reg       ┃ Violations    ┃ Violations   ┃
│ Overall       │ 0.0394        │ 0.0394        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 2.9640        │ 7.0837       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ nom_tt_025C_… │ 0.2089        │ 0.2089        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 9.2328        │ 16.3319      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ nom_ss_100C_… │ 0.6504        │ 0.6504        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 3.2635        │ 7.4518       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ nom_ff_n40C_… │ 0.0444        │ 0.0444        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 10.9069       │ 19.5798      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ min_tt_025C_… │ 0.2026        │ 0.2026        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 9.4448        │ 16.5702      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ min_ss_100C_… │ 0.6390        │ 0.6390        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 3.5688        │ 7.8739       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ min_ff_n40C_… │ 0.0394        │ 0.0394        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 10.9061       │ 19.7497      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ max_tt_025C_… │ 0.2205        │ 0.2205        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 9.0069        │ 16.1275      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ max_ss_100C_… │ 0.6725        │ 0.6725        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 2.9640        │ 7.0837       │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │
│ max_ff_n40C_… │ 0.0515        │ 0.0515        │ 0.0000   │ 0             │ 0            │ 10.9095       │ 19.4285      │ 0.0000    │ 0             │ 0            │ 0             │ 0            │


Despite the fact that the macro is placed very far from the top-level pins, there are no maximum slew violations because optimizations are enabled at the top-level and the long routes are being buffered.


Under the directory xx-magic-drc, you will find a file named reports/drc.rpt that summarizes the DRC violations reported by magic. The design is DRC clean so the report will look like this:

[INFO] Should be divided by 3 or 4


Under the directory xx-magic-drc, you will find a file named violations.json that summarizes the DRC violations reported by KLayout. The design is DRC clean so the report will look like this with "total": 0 at the end:

  "total": 0


Under the directory xx-netgen-lvs, you will find a file named lvs.rpt that summarizes the LVS violations reported by netgen. The design is LVS clean so the last part of the report will look like this:

Cell pin lists are equivalent.
Device classes user_project_wrapper and user_project_wrapper are equivalent.

Final result: Circuits match uniquely.

Saving the views

To save the views, run the following script with the following arguments in order:

  1. The directory of the project

  2. The macro name

  3. The successful run tag

[nix-shell:~/openlane2]$ bash ~/caravel_aes_accelerator/openlane/copy_views.sh ~/caravel_aes_accelerator user_project_wrapper RUN_TAG

This will copy the physical views of the macro in the specified run to your project folder.

Congrats! Now you have a third different AES accelerator as a Caravel user project.