openlane.common.metrics API

Metrics Module

Classes and functions for dealing with Metrics based on the METRICS2.1 standard.

class openlane.common.metrics.MetricComparisonResult(metric_name: str, gold: Any, new: Any, delta: int | float | Decimal | None, delta_pct: int | float | Decimal | None, better: bool | None, critical: bool, significant_figures: int | None)

Bases: object

  • metric_name (str) – The name of the metric that has been compared

  • gold (Any) – The “gold” value being compared against

  • new (Any) – The new value being evaluated

  • delta (int | float | Decimal | None) – None if and only if before - after is an invalid number. Evaluates to after - before.

  • delta_pct (int | float | Decimal | None) – None if delta is None or before is zero. Otherwise, evaluates to delta / before * 100.

  • better (bool | None) – Whether the change in the value is considered a good thing or not. None if delta is None or has no value set for Metric.higher_is_better.

  • critical (bool) – Whether this change of value very likely results in a dead chip, i.e., an increase in DRC values, or an inexplicable change in the number of I/O pins.

  • significant_figures (int | None)

class openlane.common.metrics.Metric(name: str, aggregator: Tuple[int | float | Decimal, Callable[[Iterable[int | float | Decimal]], int | float | Decimal]] | None = None, higher_is_better: bool | None = None, dont_aggregate: Iterable[str] | None = None, critical: bool = False)

Bases: object

An object storing data about a metric as defined in METRICS2.1.

  • name (str) – The string name of the metric.

  • aggregator (Tuple[int | float | Decimal, Callable[[Iterable[int | float | Decimal]], int | float | Decimal]] | None) –

    A tuple of: - A starting value for an accumulator - A reduction function

    The aim is the ability to aggregate values from various sub-metrics, i.e., for the metric timing__hold_vio__count, the sub-metrics:

    • timing__hold_vio__count__corner:A

    • timing__hold_vio__count__corner:B

    Would be summed up to generate the value for timing__hold_vio__count.

  • higher_is_better (bool | None) – At a high level, whether a higher numeric value for this metric is considered “good” (such as: better utilization) or “bad” (such as: more antenna violations.)

  • critical (bool) – A critical metric is always watched for any change.

  • dont_aggregate (Iterable[str] | None)

modified_name(modifiers: Mapping[str, str]) str

modifiers (Mapping[str, str]) – Modifiers of a metric (i.e. the elements postfixed to the metric in the format {key}:{value})


The name with the modifiers added

Return type:


compare(gold: Any, new: Any, significant_figures: int, modifiers: Mapping[str, str] | None = None) MetricComparisonResult
  • gold (Any) – The “gold-standard” value for this metric to compare against

  • new (Any) – The new value for this metric being evaluated

  • modifier – The modifiers that were parsed from the metric name (if applicable)- used to set the metric_name property of MetricComparisonResult.

  • significant_figures (int)

  • modifiers (Mapping[str, str] | None)


The result of comparing two values for this metric.

Return type:


openlane.common.metrics.parse_metric_modifiers(metric_name: str) Tuple[str, Mapping[str, str]]

Parses a metric name into a base and modifiers as specified in the METRICS2.1 naming convention.


metric_name (str) – The name of the metric as generated by a utility.


A tuple of the base part as a string, then the modifiers as a key-value mapping.

Return type:

Tuple[str, Mapping[str, str]]

openlane.common.metrics.aggregate_metrics(input: Mapping[str, Any], aggregator_by_metric: Mapping[str, Tuple[int | float | Decimal, Callable[[Iterable[int | float | Decimal]], int | float | Decimal]] | Metric] | None = None) Dict[str, Any]

Takes a set of metrics generated according to the METRICS2.1 naming convention.

  • input (Mapping[str, Any]) – A mapping of strings to values of metrics.

  • aggregator_by_metric (Mapping[str, Tuple[int | float | Decimal, Callable[[Iterable[int | float | Decimal]], int | float | Decimal]] | Metric] | None) – A mapping of metric names to either: - A tuple of the initial accumulator and reducer to aggregate the values from all modifier metrics - A Metric class


A tuple of the base part as a string, then the modifiers as a key-value mapping.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

class openlane.common.metrics.MetricDiff(differences: Iterable[MetricComparisonResult])

Bases: object

Aggregates a number of MetricComparisonResult and allows a number of functions to be performed on them.


differences (List[MetricComparisonResult]) – The metric comparison results.

class MetricStatistics(better: int = 0, worse: int = 0, critical: int = 0, unchanged: int = 0)

Bases: object

A glorified namespace encapsulating a number of statistics of MetricDiff.

Should be generated using MetricDiff.stats().

  • better (int) – The number of datapoints that represent a positive change.

  • worse (int) – The number of datapoints that represent a negative change.

  • critical (int) – The number of changes for critical metrics.

  • unchanged (int) – Values that are unchanged.

render_md(sort_by: Iterable[str] | None = None, table_verbosity: TableVerbosity = TableVerbosity.ALL) str
  • sort_by (Iterable[str] | None) – A list of tuples corresponding to modifiers to sort metrics ascendingly by.

  • table_verbosity (TableVerbosity) – The verbosity of the table: whether to include everything, just changes, only bad changes or only critical changes. Or just nothing.


A table of the differences in Markdown format.

Return type:


stats() MetricStatistics

A MetricStatistics object based on this aggregate.

Return type:


classmethod from_metrics(gold: dict, new: dict, significant_figures: int, filter: ~openlane.common.misc.Filter = <openlane.common.misc.Filter object>) MetricDiff

Creates a MetricDiff object from two sets of metrics.

  • gold (dict) – The “gold-standard” metrics to compare against

  • new (dict) – The metrics being evaluated

  • filter (Filter) – A Filter for the names of the metrics to include or exclude certain metrics.

  • significant_figures (int)


The aggregate of the differences between gold and good

Return type:
