

Short for Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.

As the name implies, it is silicon that is manufactured to execute a specific function (even though these functions may be themselves generic, i.e., a CPU is an ASIC that performs general-purpose computing).

Broadly, digital design targets one of two technologies: ASIC manufacturing (higher upfront cost but lower-cost scaling) or FPGA (lower-cost upfront cost but very costly scaling.)

OpenLane flows primarily target ASIC technologies for manufacturing.


Cachix is a service that caches Nix build results from the OpenLane CI and allows users to download those results instead of building OpenLane and all included utilities themselves.


A test harness by Efabless Corporation for use with the OpenMPW and chipIgnite programs, that enforces a common pinout for all user projects as well as providing a number of base functions, including a management SoC, I/O configuration, power, clocking, and more.

See for more info.


A program by Efabless Corporation for manufacturing chips based on the sky130 PDK; using the same harness and tools as the OpenMPW program but allowing for (optional) proprietary designs.

See for more info.


Short for “Comma-separated Values”.

A text file that represents tabular data.


Short for “Design Exchange Format”.

An abstract view of the current working design, listing instantiated cells and macros as well as any elements on metal layers, including pins.

When a design is hardened, LEF and GDSII views are generated from the DEF view.

The DEF language is defined in the LEFDEFREF.


Also .lib.

A library format for macros including standard cells, modeling at an abstract level the interface to and timing properties of a cell.

Typically used for Synthesis and STA.


Short for Design Rule Checks.

Rules set by a chip foundry for a certain chip manufacturing process that broadly have to be satisfied by a design for a design to be actually manufacturable.

A design that does not have any DRC violations is referred to as DRC-clean.

DRC deck

An implementation of a set of DRCs for a certain utility.


Short for Electronic Design Automation.

A field concerned with the development software, hardware, and services to enable the automation of chip design tasks. OpenLane and all of its constituent utilities could be considered EDA tools.


A semiconductor manufacturer, such as GlobalFoundries, SkyWater Technologies, or TSMC.


Short for Field-Programmable Gate Array.

An integrated circuit that can be reprogrammed to perform various digital functions much, much faster than a general-purpose computer, but at a recurring cost, area and performance penalty compared to a dedicated ASIC.

Popular for prototyping ASICs or for niche applications where the upfront cost of an ASIC is not financially justifiable.


Short for Graphic Design System II.

A binary stream format which is the de facto industry standard for data exchange of integrated circuit or IC layout artwork. It was developed by Calma Company in 1978. A GDSII file contains planar geometric shapes, text labels, and other information about the layout in hierarchical form. The data can be used to reconstruct all or part of the artwork to be used in sharing layouts, transferring artwork between different tools, or creating photomasks. It captures all the layout details needed by the manufacturer.


A free and open-source compression format. A great many number of tools support Gzipped inputs transparently, i.e., any file beginning with the bytes 1f 8b is automatically decompressed without any special input from the user.

Gzipping is popular for text-heavy formats such as dotlib or SPEF formats.


Short for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

A professional association for electronics and electrical engineers. IEEE sets the standard for a number of formats in the EDA space, including the Verilog Hardware Description Language.


Short for Interconnect, Process, Voltage, and Temperature, the four components of a timing corner in OpenLane.


Short for JavaScript Object Notation.

A data interchange format derived from JavaScript supporting numeric, Boolean and string values as well as lists and hashmaps composed of the above.

OpenLane uses JSON as the primary form for loading and storing configuration data.


A free and open-source layout (DEF/GDSII) viewer and editor.


Short for “Layout Exchange Format”.

An abstract view of pre-hardened macros and standard cells, containing information about the cell’s dimensions, pin positions and elements on metal layers.

The LEF language is defined in the LEFDEFREF.


Refers to the LEF/DEF Language Reference by Cadence Inc.

The LEFDEFREF is obtainable for free from Silicon Integration Initiative, Inc.’s Complimentary OpenAccess Tools, Libraries, and Utilities.

As of the time of writing, a slightly out of date but still valid version is also available from the ISPD’s 2018 detailed routing contest downloads.


Short for Layout vs. Schematic.

A comparison between the engineering schematic for a certain design (abstract) and its (concrete) physical layout. This catches misconfigured power connections or bugs with PnR tools.

A design that does not have any LVS errors is referred to as LVS-clean.


A free software layout (DEF/GDSII) viewer and editor.


Quantitative measures representing physical characteristics of a design.

Typically, these include values like the area of the design, worst clock slack, average voltage drop, et cetera, but in OpenLane the conventional definition is expanded to include any and all information about the circuit generated during runtime, encompassing things such as lint violations in the RTL description of the circuit, the number of pins, et cetera.


A naming convention for metrics of a design used by OpenROAD and OpenLane 2+. OpenLane is responsible for extracting and naming metrics in a 2.1-compliant format from tools other than OpenROAD.


Short for Multi-Project Wafer.

A wafer produced aggregating a number of different chips, allowing the cost of a wafer to be spread across multiple projects.

OpenMPW and chipIgnite are examples of MPW projects.


A open-source tool for running LVS.


A representation of the circuit modeling pre-hardened elements (standard cells and macros) and the connections between them.

In OpenLane, Netlists can be in Verilog, where they model cells in ideal conditions and are only interested in verifying the logical correctness of the circuit, or they can be SPICE netlist(s), which model more physical conditions.


A declarative build utility that can be used to create development environments in a pure and reproducible manner for both Linux and macOS.

OpenLane environments including tools are built with Nix.

On-chip variation

Variations in physical and electrical characteristics of chips. They can occur due to factors such as manufacturing processes, material properties, or environmental conditions.

Sometimes abbreviated as OCV.


A model for releasing products where upon the source files are also made available for free (as in free spreech, not necessarily but usually also free of cost) modification and redistribution.

The term is more accurately defined by the Open Source Initiative (OSI) at this link:


A program by Google sponsoring a free Multi-Project Wafer for open-source hardware projects. OpenLane was initially developed for use with the OpenMPW project.

See for more info.


An open-source tool chain for digital SoC layout generation, focusing on the RTL-to-GDSII phase of system-on-chip design. It is used for floorplanning, PnR and design optimizations inside OpenLane.

OpenLane and OpenROAD are loosely affiliated projects made by different teams.


Short for Process Design Kit.

A set of files used within the semiconductor industry to model a fabrication process for the design tools used to design an integrated circuit.


Short for placement and routing.

A phase of digital circuit implementation where:

  1. the positions of standard cells and macros within a layout are determined and checked for legality (placement)

  2. the shapes of the physical connections between those cells are determined and also checked for legality (routing)

process node

A semiconductor manufacturing process executed by a certain chip foundry, typically identified by the foundry name and a number, i.e., the Skywater 130 nm process (sky130).

Historically, the process node number used to refer to a physical characteristic of the circuit such as the minimum feature length, but since the mid-1990s, the number has become more or less arbitrary.

To create a design to be manufactured on a particular process node, a process design kit for that node is required.


Short for Register-Transfer Level.

An abstraction used in hardware description languages (HDLs) like Verilog and VHDL to create high-level representations of a circuit, from which lower-level representations and ultimately actual wiring can be derived. Design at the RTL level is typical practice in modern digital design.


Stands for Synopsys® Design Constraints.

A Tcl-based format used to describe design requirements including timing, power, and area to EDA tools. Supports of a subset of the Tcl commands provided by timing tools.


Short for Standard Delay Format.

An IEEE standard for representing and interpreting timing data for use at any stage of an electronic design process.


The SkyWater Open Source PDK is a collaboration between Google, Efabless and SkyWater Technology Foundry to provide a fully open-source PDK and related resources, which can be used to create manufacturable designs at SkyWater’s facilities. sky130 is a mature 180nm-130nm hybrid technology originally developed internally by Cypress Semiconductor before being spun out into SkyWater Technology and made accessible to general industry.

sky130 is the default PDK for use with OpenLane as it was the first entirely open-source PDK.


Short for Standard Parasitic Exchange Format.

An IEEE standard for representing parasitic resistances and capacitances of wires in a circuit.


Short for Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.

A public-domain utility for simulating analog circuits. Unlike (most) Verilog simulators, SPICE enables the simulation of a variety of physical conditions of a circuit, including but not limited to, temperature, extracted parasitic resistances and capacitances, transistor switching speed, and so on.

SPICE itself is not part of any included OpenLane flows, but SPICE netlists are.

SPICE netlist

A netlist readable by SPICE and compatible utilities. Unlike Verilog netlists, SPICE netlists are capable of capturing an analog view of the circuit.

By comparing the digital Verilog netlist and analog SPICE netlist, OpenLane performs LVS.


Short for Static Timing Analysis.

A method for determining the validity of a chip’s timing parameters without performing a full functional simulation thereof.

A chip for which STA reveals no timing constraint violations is said to have achieved timing closure.


A shell language popular for embedded interpreter inside EDA tools, initially designed by John Osterhout for use with the Magic VLSI tool.

Yosys, OpenROAD and Magic are all Tcl-programmable, in addition to most proprietary electronic design automation tool. OpenLane accepts design configuration files in the Tcl format as previous versions of OpenLane were written in Tcl.

timing closure

A term given for designs for which STA has revealed that there exist no violations of timing constraints at a certain clock period and at all timing corners.

Designs that have not achieved timing closure are usually not suitable for tape-out.

timing corner

A set of simulated physical conditions under which timing analysis is performed.


A hardware description language (HDL) used to model electronic systems. It is most commonly used in the design and verification of digital circuits at the register-transfer level (RTL) of abstraction.


A framework for RTL synthesis tools with extensive Verilog-2005 support.