Variable Migration Guides¶
These are migration guides for some particularly complex variables from OpenLane 1.
In this document, OpenLane 1 refers to OpenLane versions before the release of 2.0.0, and OpenLane 2 refers to 2.0.0 or higher.
for smaller designs¶
When working with smaller designs, OpenLane 1 used to scale down the PDN pitch/offset values by a factor of 4 so at least one set of PDN straps would be able to connect to the design.
This was a bit too magical and not entirely deterministic, and thus OpenLane 2 will no longer automatically do this scaling down for you. You will have to manually calculate the scale.
See Power Distribution Networks for more info.
As they were extremely complex, the OpenLane 1 diode insertion strategies were replaced by two flags in OpenLane 2’s “Classic” flow:
: Attempts to repair antennas by enabling the stepOpenROAD.RepairAntennas
that invokes OpenROAD’srepair_antennas
: Runs a custom script by Sylvain Munaut that inserts diodes based on a net’s Manhattan distance at global placement time.
The mapping for the strategies is as follows:
Strategies 1, 2 and 5 will throw an error.
1 is an unreasonable brute force approach that adds a diode to every single net. 2 and 5 utilize replaceable “fake diode” fill cells, which are a hack that will not be available in all PDKs.
Strategy 0:
Both flags are set to
Strategy 3:
is set totrue
Strategy 4:
is set totrue
Strategy 6:
Both flags are set to
Although for now OpenLane 2 will attempt the conversion for you automatically, it is recommended you update your designs as this feature will get removed.
Migrating MACROS
(Optional, but highly recommended)¶
OpenLane 2+ allows you to configure macros you use in a configuration object
called MACROS
This object collects all information about macros and instances of macros into one object.
For example, where an SPM macro in OpenLane 1 would be defined across multiple variables in this manner:
"VERILOG_FILES_BLACKBOX": ["dir::macros/spm/nl/"],
"EXTRA_GDS_FILES": ["dir::macros/gds/spm.gds"],
"EXTRA_LEFS": ["dir::macros/lef/spm.lef"],
"EXTRA_SPEFS": "spm dir::macros/spm/spef/nom_/spm.min.spef dir::macros/spm/spef/nom_/spm.nom.spef dir::macros/spm/spef/nom_/spm.max.spef",
"MACRO_PLACEMENT_CFG": "dir::macro_placement.cfg"
This information and more is laid out in the MACROS
object as follows:
"spm": {
"instances": {
"spm_inst_0": {
"location": [10, 150],
"orientation": "N"
"spm_inst_1": {
"location": [150, 150],
"orientation": "N"
"gds": ["dir::macros/spm/gds/spm.magic.gds"],
"lef": ["dir::macros/spm/lef/spm.lef"],
"nl": ["dir::macros/spm/nl/"],
"spef": {
"nom_*": "dir::macros/spm/spef/nom_/spm.nom.spef",
"min_*": "dir::macros/spm/spef/min_/spm.min.spef",
"max_*": "dir::macros/spm/spef/max_/spm.max.spef"
You will notice a number of things:
Instances and their locations are no longer declared in a separate file.
Multiple SPEF files can be declared to match various IPVT corner, i.e.
will matchnom_tt_025C_1V80
will matchmin_ss_100C_1v60
The previous bullet point also applies to
files (if available)
This configuration object helps keep all data related to instantiated macros in
the same place. The EXTRA_
variables still exist and are loaded
indiscriminately in all operations where the appropriate files are loaded, but
object give you a little bit more control.
During STA, a Macro’s .lib
view or a combination of its Verilog netlist and
view could be used to provide the necessary timing information.
By default, netlist and .spef
are prioritized over the .lib
because the characterized .lib
files produced by OpenSTA are not the most
accurate, but you may override this behavior by setting
to false
As the name implies, this is merely a priority and if one view is available, that one will always be used.