openlane.flows API

The Flow Module

An API for implementing new flows using the OpenLane infrastructure, as well as a number of built-in flows.

exception openlane.flows.FlowError

Bases: RuntimeError

A RuntimeError that occurs when a Flow, or one of its underlying Steps, fails to finish execution properly.

exception openlane.flows.FlowException

Bases: FlowError

A variant of FlowError for unexpected failures or failures due to misconfiguration, such as:

  • A StepException raised by an underlying Step

  • Invalid inputs

  • Mis-use of class interfaces of the Flow

  • Other unexpected failures

class openlane.flows.FlowProgressBar(flow_name: str, starting_ordinal: int = 1)

Bases: object

A wrapper for a flow’s progress bar, rendered using Rich at the bottom of interactive terminals.

  • flow_name (str)

  • starting_ordinal (int)


Starts rendering the progress bar.


Stops rendering the progress bar.

property started: bool

If the progress bar has started or not

set_max_stage_count(count: int)

A helper function, used to set the total number of stages the progress bar is expected to keep tally of.


count (int) – The total number of stages.

start_stage(name: str)

Starts a new stage, updating the progress bar appropriately.


name (str) – The name of the stage.

end_stage(*, increment_ordinal: bool = True)

Ends the current stage, updating the progress bar appropriately.


increment_ordinal (bool) –

Increment the step ordinal, which is used in the creation of step directories.

You may want to set this to False if the stage is being skipped.

Please note that step ordinal is not equal to stages- a skipped step increments the stage but not the step ordinal.

get_ordinal_prefix() str

A string with the current step ordinal, which can be used to create a step directory.

Return type:


class openlane.flows.Flow(config: str | PathLike | Mapping[str, Any] | Sequence[str | PathLike | Mapping[str, Any]], *, name: str | None = None, pdk: str | None = None, pdk_root: str | None = None, scl: str | None = None, design_dir: str | None = None, config_override_strings: Sequence[str] | None = None)

Bases: ABC

An abstract base class for a flow.

Flows encapsulate a the running of multiple Steps in any order. The sequence (or lack thereof) of running the steps is left to the Flow itself.

The Flow ABC offers a number of convenience functions, including handling the progress bar at the bottom of the terminal, which shows what stage the flow is currently in and the remaining stages.

  • Steps

    A list of Step types used by the Flow (not Step objects.)

    Subclasses of Flow are expected to override the default value as a class member- but subclasses may allow this value to be further overridden during construction (and only then.)

    Flow subclasses without the Steps class property declared are considered abstract and cannot be initialized.

  • config_vars – A list of flow-specific configuration variables. These configuration variables are used entirely within the logic of the flow itself and are not exposed to Step(s).

  • step_objects

    A list of Step objects from the last run of the flow, if it exists.

    If start() is called again, the reference is destroyed.

  • run_dir

    The directory of the last run of the flow, if it exists.

    If start() is called again, the reference is destroyed.

  • toolbox

    The Toolbox of the last run of the flow, if it exists.

    If start() is called again, the reference is destroyed.

  • config_resolved_path

    The path to the serialization of the resolved configuration for the last run of the flow.

    If start() is called again, the reference is destroyed.

classmethod get_help_md() str

rendered Markdown help for this Flow

Return type:


get_all_config_variables() List[Variable]

All configuration variables for this Flow, including universal configuration variables, flow-specific configuration variables and step-specific configuration variables.

Return type:


classmethod init_with_config(config_in: Config | str | PathLike | Dict, **kwargs)

Deprecated since version 2.0.0a29: Use the constructor for the class instead


config_in (Config | str | PathLike | Dict)

start(with_initial_state: State | None = None, tag: str | None = None, last_run: bool = False, _force_run_dir: str | None = None, _no_load_previous_steps: bool = False, *, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs) State

The entry point for a flow.

  • with_initial_state (State | None) – An optional initial state object to use. If not provided: * If resuming a previous run, the latest state_out.json (by filesystem modification date) * If not, an empty state object is created.

  • tag (str | None) –

    A name for this invocation of the flow. If not provided, one based on a date string will be created.

    This tag is used to create the “run directory”, which will be placed under the directory runs/ in the design directory.

  • last_run (bool) –

    Use the latest run (by modification time) as the tag.

    If no runs exist, a FlowException will be raised.

    If last_run and tag are both set, a FlowException will also be raised.

  • overwrite (bool) – If true and a run with the desired tag was found, the contents will be deleted instead of appended.

  • _force_run_dir (str | None)

  • _no_load_previous_steps (bool)


(success, state_list)

Return type:


abstract run(initial_state: State, **kwargs) Tuple[State, List[Step]]


The core of the Flow. Subclasses of flow are expected to override this method.


initial_state (State) – An initial state object to use.


A tuple of states and instantiated step objects for inspection.

Return type:

Tuple[State, List[Step]]

dir_for_step(step: Step) str


May only be called while run_dir is not None, i.e., the flow has started. Otherwise, a FlowException is raised.


A directory within the run directory for a specific step, prefixed with the current progress bar stage number.


step (Step)

Return type:


start_step(step: Step, *args, **kwargs) State


A helper function that handles passing parameters to Step.start.’

It is essentially equivalent to:


See Step.start() for more info.

  • step (Step) – The step object to run

  • args – Arguments to step.start

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments to step.start

Return type:


start_step_async(step: Step, *args, **kwargs) Future[State]


An asynchronous equivalent to start_step().

  • step (Step) – The step object to run

  • args – Arguments to step.start

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments to step.start


A Future encapsulating a State object, which can be used as an input to the next step (where the next step will wait for the Future to be realized before calling

Return type:


set_max_stage_count(count: int)


Alias for self.progress_bar’s FlowProgressBar.set_max_stage_count().

Deprecated since version 2.0.0a46: Use .progress_bar.set_max_stage_count


count (int)

start_stage(name: str)


Alias for self.progress_bar’s FlowProgressBar.start_stage().

Deprecated since version 2.0.0a46: Use .progress_bar.start_stage


name (str)

end_stage(increment_ordinal: bool = True)


Alias for self.progress_bar’s FlowProgressBar.end_stage().

Deprecated since version 2.0.0a46: Use .progress_bar.end_stage


increment_ordinal (bool)

class FlowFactory

Bases: object

A factory singleton for Flows, allowing Flow types to be registered and then retrieved by name.

See for a primer.

classmethod register(registered_name: str | None = None) Callable[[Type[Flow]], Type[Flow]]

A decorator that adds a flow type to the registry.


registered_name (str | None) –

An optional registered name for the flow.

If not specified, the flow will be referred to by its Python class name.

Return type:

Callable[[Type[Flow]], Type[Flow]]

classmethod get(name: str) Type[Flow] | None

Retrieves a Flow type from the registry using a lookup string.


name (str) – The registered name of the Flow. Case-sensitive.

Return type:

Type[Flow] | None

classmethod list() List[str]

A list of strings representing all registered flows.

Return type:



alias of FlowFactory

class openlane.flows.SequentialFlow(*args, Substitute: Dict[str, str | Type[Step] | None] | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: Flow

The simplest Flow, running each Step as a stage, serially, with nothing happening in parallel and no significant inter-step processing.

All subclasses of this flow have to do is override the Steps abstract property and it would automatically handle the rest. See Classic in Built-in Flows for an example.

It should be noted, for Steps with duplicate IDs, all Steps other than the first one will technically be subclassed with no change other than to simply set the ID to the previous step’s ID with a suffix: i.e. the second instance of Test.MyStep will have an ID of Test.MyStep1, and so on.

  • Substitute (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Type[Step], None]]]) –

    Substitute all instances of one Step type by another Step type in the Steps attribute for this instance only.

    You may also use the string Step IDs in place of a Step type object.

    Duplicate ID normalization is re-run after substitutions.

  • args – Arguments for Flow.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for Flow.


gating_config_vars – A mapping from step ID (wildcards) to lists of Boolean variable names. All Boolean variables must be True for a step with a specific ID to execute.

run(initial_state: State, frm: str | None = None, to: str | None = None, skip: Iterable[str] | None = None, reproducible: str | None = None, **kwargs) Tuple[State, List[Step]]


The core of the Flow. Subclasses of flow are expected to override this method.

  • initial_state (State) – An initial state object to use.

  • frm (str | None)

  • to (str | None)

  • skip (Iterable[str] | None)

  • reproducible (str | None)


A tuple of states and instantiated step objects for inspection.

Return type:

Tuple[State, List[Step]]

openlane.flows.cloup_flow_opts(*, config_options: bool = True, run_options: bool = True, sequential_flow_controls: bool = True, sequential_flow_reproducible: bool = False, pdk_options: bool = True, log_level: bool = True, jobs: bool = True, accept_config_files: bool = True, volare_by_default: bool = True, volare_pdk_override: str | None = None, _enable_debug_flags: bool = False, enable_overwrite_flag: bool = False, enable_initial_state_element: bool = False) Callable[[Callable[[...], Any]], Callable[[...], Any]]

Creates a wrapper that appends a number of OpenLane flow-related flags to a function decorated with @cloup.command (

The following keyword arguments will be passed to the decorated function. * Those postfixed ‡ are compatible with the constructor for Flow. * Those postfixed § are compatible with the Flow.start().

  • Flow configuration options (if parameter config_options is True):
    • flow_name: Optional[str]: A valid flow ID to be used with Flow.factory.get()

    • config_override_strings‡: Optional[Iterable[str]]

  • Sequential flow controls (if parameter sequential_flow_controls is True)
    • frm``§: ``Optional[str]: Start from a step with this ID. Supported by sequential flows.

    • to``§: ``Optional[str]: Stop at a step with this id. Supported by sequential flows.

    • skip``§: ``Iterable[str]: Skip these steps. Supported by sequential flows.

  • Sequential flow reproducible (if parameter sequential_flow_reproducible is True)
    • reproducible``§: ``str: Create a reproducible for a step with is ID, aborting the flow afterwards. Supported by sequential flows.

  • Flow run options (if parameter run_options is True):
    • tag``§: ``Optional[str]

    • last_run``§: ``bool: If True, tag is guaranteed to be None.

    • with_initial_state``§: ``Optional[State]

  • PDK options
    • use_volare: bool

    • pdk_root‡: Optional[str]

    • pdk‡: str

    • scl‡: Optional[str]

  • config_files: Iterable[str]: Paths to configuration files (if parameter accept_config_files is True)

  • config_options (bool) – Enables flow configuration and starting CLI flags

  • sequential_flow_controls (bool) – Enables flow control CLI flags

  • flow_run_options – Enables tag CLI flags

  • pdk_options (bool) – Enables PDK CLI flags

  • log_level (bool) – Enables --log-level CLI flag

  • jobs (bool) – Enables -j/--jobs CLI flag

  • accept_config_files (bool) – Accepts configuration file paths as CLI arguments

  • volare_by_default (bool) – If pdk_options is True, this changes whether Volare is used by default for this CLI or not.

  • run_options (bool)

  • sequential_flow_reproducible (bool)

  • volare_pdk_override (str | None)

  • _enable_debug_flags (bool)

  • enable_overwrite_flag (bool)

  • enable_initial_state_element (bool)


The wrapper

Return type:

Callable[[Callable[[…], Any]], Callable[[…], Any]]