openlane.steps API

The Step Module

This modules includes various functions for importing and/or generating OpenLane configuration objects. Configuration objects are the primary input to a flow.

exception openlane.steps.StepError(*args, underlying_error: Exception | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: RuntimeError

A RuntimeError that occurs when a Step fails to finish execution properly.


underlying_error (Optional[Exception])

exception openlane.steps.DeferredStepError(*args, underlying_error: Exception | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: StepError

A variant of StepError where parent Flows are encouraged to continue execution of subsequent steps regardless and then finally flag the Error at the very end.


underlying_error (Optional[Exception])

exception openlane.steps.StepException(*args, underlying_error: Exception | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: StepError

A variant of StepError for unexpected failures or failures due to misconfiguration, such as:

  • Invalid inputs

  • Mis-use of class interfaces of the Step

  • Other unexpected failures


underlying_error (Optional[Exception])

exception openlane.steps.StepNotFound(*args: object, id: str | None = None)

Bases: NameError

  • args (object)

  • id (Optional[str])

Return type:


class openlane.steps.Step(config: Config | None = None, state_in: State | None | Future[State] = None, *, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, long_name: str | None = None, flow: Any | None = None, _config_quiet: bool = False, _no_revalidate_conf: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: ABC

An abstract base class for Step objects.

Steps encapsulate a subroutine that acts upon certain classes of formats in an input state and returns a new output state with updated design format paths and/or metrics.

Warning: The initializer for Step is not thread-safe. Please use it on the main thread and then, if you’re using a Flow object, use start_step_async, or if you’re not, you may use start in another thread. That part’s fine.

  • config (Optional[Config]) –

    A configuration object.

    If running in interactive mode, you can set this to None, but it is otherwise required.

  • state_in (Future[State]) –

    The state object this step will use as an input.

    The state may also be a Future[State], in which case, the start() call will block until that Future is realized. This allows you to chain a number of asynchronous steps.

    See for a primer.

    If running in interactive mode, you can set this to None, where it will use the last generated state, but it is otherwise required.

  • step_dir

    A “scratch directory” for the step. Required.

    You may omit this argument as None if “flow” is specified.

  • id (str) –

    A string ID for the Step. The convention is f”{a}.{b}”, where the first is common between all Steps using the same tools.

    The ID should be in UpperCamelCase.

    While this is technically a class variable, instances allowed to change it per-instance to disambiguate when the same step is used multiple times in a flow.

    Step subclasses without the id class property declared are considered abstract and cannot be initialized or used in a Flow.

  • name (str) –

    A short name for the Step, used in progress bars and the like.

    While this is technically an instance variable, it is expected for every subclass to override this variable and instances are only to change it to disambiguate when the same step is used multiple times in a flow.

  • long_name (str) –

    A longer descriptive for the Step, used to delimit logs.

    While this is technically an instance variable, it is expected for every subclass to override this variable and instances are only to change it to disambiguate when the same step is used multiple times in a flow.

  • flow (Optional[Any]) – Deprecated: the parent flow. Ignored if passed.

  • _config_quiet (bool)

  • _no_revalidate_conf (bool)

  • inputs

    A list of openlane.state.DesignFormat objects that are required for this step. These will be validated by the start() method.

    Step subclasses without the inputs class property declared are considered abstract and cannot be initialized or used in a Flow.

  • outputs

    A list of openlane.state.DesignFormat objects that may be emitted by this step. A step is not allowed to modify design formats not declared in outputs.

    Step subclasses without the outputs class property declared are considered abstract and cannot be initialized or used in a Flow.

  • config_vars – A list of configuration openlane.config.Variable objects to be used to alter the behavior of this Step.

  • output_processors – A default set of openlane.steps.OutputProcessor classes for use with run_subprocess().

  • state_out

    The last output state from running this step object, if it exists.

    If start() is called again, the reference is destroyed.

  • start_time

    The last starting time from running this step object, if it exists.

    If start() is called again, the reference is destroyed.

  • end_time

    The last ending time from running this step object, if it exists.

    If start() is called again, the reference is destroyed.

  • config_path

    Path to the last step-specific config.json generated while running this step object, if it exists.

    If start() is called again, the path will be replaced.

  • toolbox

    The last Toolbox used while running this step object, if it exists.

    If start() is called again, the reference is destroyed.

warn(msg: object, /, **kwargs)

Logs to the OpenLane logger with the log level WARNING, appending the step’s ID as extra data.


msg (object) – The message to log

err(msg: object, /, **kwargs)

Logs to the OpenLane logger with the log level ERROR, appending the step’s ID as extra data.


msg (object) – The message to log

classmethod assert_concrete(action: str = 'initialized')

Checks if the Step class in question is concrete, with abstract methods AND NotImplemented classes implemented and declared respectively.

Should be called before any Step subclass is used.

If the class is not concrete, a NotImplementedError is raised.


action (str) – The action to be attempted, to be included in the NotImplementedError message.

classmethod get_help_md(*, docstring_override: str = '', use_dropdown: bool = False)

Renders Markdown help for this step to a string.

  • docstring_override (str)

  • use_dropdown (bool)

classmethod display_help()

IPython-only. Displays Markdown help for a given step.

layout_preview() str | None

An HTML tag that could act as a preview for a specific stage or None if a preview is unavailable for this step.

Return type:

str | None


IPython-only. Displays the results of a given step.

classmethod load(config: str | PathLike | Config, state_in: str | State, pdk_root: str | None = None) Step

Creates a step object, but instead of using a Flow or a global state, the config_path and input state are deserialized from JSON files.

Useful for re-running steps that have already run.

  • config (str | PathLike | Config) –

    (Path to) a Step-filtered configuration

    The step will not tolerate variables unrelated to this specific step.

  • state – (Path to) a valid input state

  • pdk_root (str | None) –

    The PDK root, which is needed for some utilities.

    If your utility doesn’t require it, just keep the default value as-is.

  • state_in (str | State)


The created step object

Return type:


create_reproducible(target_dir: str, include_pdk: bool = True, flatten: bool = False)

Creates a folder that, given a specific version of OpenLane being installed, makes a portable reproducible of that step’s execution.


Reproducibles are limited on Magic and Netgen, as their RC files form an indirect dependency on many .mag files or similar that cannot be enumerated by OpenLane.

Reproducibles are automatically generated for failed steps, but this may be called manually on any step, too.

  • target_dir (str) – The directory in which to create the reproducible

  • include_pdk (bool) – Include PDK files. If set to false, Path pointing to PDK files will be prefixed with pdk_dir:: instead of being copied.

  • flatten (bool) – Creates a reproducible with a flat (single-directory) file structure, except for the PDK which will maintain its internal folder structure (as it is sensitive to it.)

start(toolbox: Toolbox | None = None, step_dir: str | None = None, _no_rule: bool = False, **kwargs) State

Begins execution on a step.

This method is final and should not be subclassed.

  • toolbox (Toolbox | None) –

    The flow’s Toolbox object, required.

    If running in interactive mode, you may omit this argument as None, where a global toolbox will be used instead.

    If running inside a flow, you may also omit this argument as None, where the flow’s toolbox will used to be instead.

  • **kwargs – Passed on to subprocess execution: useful if you want to redirect stdin, stdout, etc.

  • step_dir (str | None)

  • _no_rule (bool)


An altered State object.

Return type:


abstract run(state_in: State, **kwargs) Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]


The “core” of a step.

This step is considered per-object private, i.e., if a Step’s run is called anywhere outside of the same object’s start(), its behavior is undefined.

  • state_in (State) –

    The input state.

    Note that self.state_in is stored as a future and would need to be resolved before use first otherwise.

    For reference, start() is responsible for resolving it for .run().

  • **kwargs – Passed on to subprocess execution: useful if you want to redirect stdin, stdout, etc.

Return type:

Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]

get_log_path() str



the default value for run_subprocess()’s “log_to” parameter.

Override it to change the default log path.

Return type:


run_subprocess(cmd: ~typing.Sequence[str | ~os.PathLike], log_to: str | ~os.PathLike | None = None, silent: bool = False, report_dir: str | ~os.PathLike | None = None, env: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] | None = None, *, check: bool = True, output_processing: ~typing.Sequence[~typing.Type[~openlane.steps.step.OutputProcessor]] | None = None, _popen_callable: ~typing.Callable[[...], ~psutil.Popen] = <class 'psutil.Popen'>, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any]


A helper function for Step objects to run subprocesses.

The output from the subprocess is processed line-by-line by instances of output processor classes.

  • cmd (Sequence[str | PathLike]) – A list of variables, representing a program and its arguments, similar to how you would use it in a shell.

  • log_to (str | PathLike | None) – An optional override for the log path from get_log_path(). Useful for if you run multiple subprocesses within one step.

  • silent (bool) – If specified, the subprocess does not print anything to the terminal. Useful when running multiple processes simultaneously.

  • report_dir (str | PathLike | None) – An optional override for where reports by output processors

  • check (bool) – Whether to raise subprocess.CalledProcessError in the event of a non-zero exit code. Set to False if you’d like to do further processing on the output(s).

  • output_processing (Sequence[Type[OutputProcessor]] | None) – An override for the class’s list of openlane.steps.OutputProcessor classes.

  • **kwargs – Passed on to subprocess execution: useful if you want to redirect stdin, stdout, etc.

  • env (Dict[str, Any] | None)

  • _popen_callable (Callable[[...], Popen])


A dictionary of output processor results.

These key/value pairs are included in all cases: * returncode: Exit code for the subprocess * log_path: The resolved log path for the subprocess

The other key value pairs depend on the key class variables and openlane.steps.OutputProcessor.result() methods of the output processors.


subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the process has a non-zero exit, and check is True, this exception will be raised.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

extract_env(kwargs) Tuple[dict, Dict[str, str]]


An assisting function: Given a kwargs object, it does the following:

  • If the kwargs object has an “env” variable, it separates it into

    its own variable.

  • If the kwargs object has no “env” variable, a new “env” dictionary

    is created based on the current environment.


kwargs – A Python keyword arguments object.

Returns (kwargs, env):

A kwargs without an env object, and an isolated env object.

Return type:

Tuple[dict, Dict[str, str]]

classmethod with_id(id: str) Type[Step]

Syntactic sugar for creating a subclass of a step with a different ID.

Useful in flows, where you want different IDs for different instance of the same step.


id (str)

Return type:


class StepFactory

Bases: object

A factory singleton for Steps, allowing steps types to be registered and then retrieved by name.

See for a primer.

classmethod register() Callable[[Type[Step]], Type[Step]]

Adds a step type to the registry using its attribute.

Return type:

Callable[[Type[Step]], Type[Step]]

classmethod get(name: str) Type[Step] | None

Retrieves a Step type from the registry using a lookup string.


name (str) – The registered name of the Step. Case-insensitive.

Return type:

Type[Step] | None

classmethod list() List[str]

A list of IDs of all registered names.

Return type:



alias of StepFactory

class openlane.steps.OutputProcessor(step: Step, report_dir: str, silent: bool)

Bases: ABC, Generic[VT]

An abstract base class that processes terminal output from openlane.steps.Step.run_subprocess() and append a resultant key/value pair to its returned dictionary.

  • step (Step) – The step object instantiating this output processor

  • report_dir (str) – The report directory for this instantiation of run_subprocess.

  • silent (bool) – Whether the run_subprocess was called with silent or not.


key – The fixed key to be added to the return value of run_subprocess. Must be implemented by subclasses.

abstract process_line(line: str) bool

Fires when a line is received by openlane.steps.Step.run_subprocess(). Subclasses may do any arbitrary processing here.


line (str) – The line emitted by the subprocess


True if the line is “consumed”, i.e. other output processors are skipped. False if the line is to be passed on to later output processors.

Return type:


abstract result() VT

The result of all previous process_line calls.

Return type:


class openlane.steps.DefaultOutputProcessor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: OutputProcessor[Dict[str, Any]]

An output processor that makes a number of special functions accessible to subprocesses by simply printing keywords in the terminal, such as:

  • %OL_CREATE_REPORT <file>: Starts redirecting all output from standard output to a report file inside the step directory, with the name <file>.

  • %OL_END_REPORT: Stops redirection behavior.

  • %OL_METRIC <name> <value>: Adds a string metric with the name <name> and the value <value> to this function’s returned object.

  • %OL_METRIC_F <name> <value>: Adds a floating-point metric with the name <name> and the value <value> to this function’s returned object.

  • %OL_METRIC_I <name> <value>: Adds an integer metric with the name <name> and the value <value> to this function’s returned object.

Otherwise, the line is simply printed to the logger.

process_line(line: str) bool

Always returns True, so DefaultOutputProcessor should always be at the end of your list.


line (str)

Return type:


result() Dict[str, Any]

A dictionary of all generated metrics.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

class openlane.steps.TclStep(config: Config | None = None, state_in: State | None | Future[State] = None, *, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, long_name: str | None = None, flow: Any | None = None, _config_quiet: bool = False, _no_revalidate_conf: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: Step

A subclass of Step that primarily deals with running Tcl-based utilities, such as Yosys, OpenROAD and Magic.

A TclStep Step should ideally correspond to running one Tcl script with such a utility.


reproducibles_allowed – Whether this class can generate reproducibles.

  • config (Optional[Config])

  • state_in (Future[State])

  • id (str)

  • name (str)

  • long_name (str)

  • flow (Optional[Any])

  • _config_quiet (bool)

  • _no_revalidate_conf (bool)

static value_to_tcl(value: Any) str

Converts an arbitrary Python value to Tcl as follows:

  • If the value is an instance of a dataclass, it is serialized as a JSON object.

  • If the value is a list, it is joined using TclUtils.join().

  • If the value is a dict, the keys and values are escaped recursively using:

    joined using TclUtils.join().

  • If the value is an Enum, its name is returned.

  • If the value is Boolean, “1” is returned for True and “0” for False.

  • If the value is numeric, it is converted to a string.

  • Otherwise, the value is passed to str().


value (Any)

Return type:


abstract get_script_path() str



A path to the Tcl script to be run by this step.

Return type:


get_command() List[str]


This command should be overridden by subclasses and replaced with a command incorporating the appropriate tool: e.g. openroad, yosys, et cetera.


A list of strings representing the command used to run the script, including the result of get_script_path().

Return type:


prepare_env(env: dict, state: State) dict


Creates a copy of an environment dictionary, then converts all accessible self.config variables and state inputs to environment variables so they may be used as inputs to the scripts.

Inputs are assigned the keys CURRENT_{ID} where ID is the relevant DesignFormat’s enum name.

Outputs are assigned the keys CURRENT_{ID} where ID is the relevant DesignFormat’s enum name, although outputs with multiple values (SPEF, etc) will be skipped and a step is expected to handle creating variables for them on its own.

The values are converted to strings as per value_to_tcl().

  • env (dict) – The input environment dictionary

  • state (State) – The input state


a copy of the environment dictionary where self.config variables

Return type:


run(state_in: State, **kwargs) Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]


This overridden run() function prepares configuration variables and inputs for use with Tcl: specifically, it converts them all to environment variables so they may be used by the Tcl scripts being called. See prepare_env() for more info.

Additionally, it logs the output to a .log file named after the script.

When overriding in a subclass, you may find it useful to use this pattern:

kwargs, env = self.extract_env(kwargs)
return super().run(state_in, env=env, **kwargs)

This will allow you to add further custom environment variables to a call while still respecting an env argument further up the call-stack.

  • state_in (State) – See superclass.

  • **kwargs – Passed on to subprocess execution: useful if you want to redirect stdin, stdout, etc.


see superclass

Return type:

Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]

run_subprocess(cmd: Sequence[str | PathLike], log_to: str | PathLike | None = None, silent: bool = False, report_dir: str | PathLike | None = None, env: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any]


  • cmd (Sequence[str | PathLike])

  • log_to (str | PathLike | None)

  • silent (bool)

  • report_dir (str | PathLike | None)

  • env (Dict[str, str] | None)

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

class openlane.steps.YosysStep(config: Config | None = None, state_in: State | None | Future[State] = None, *, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, long_name: str | None = None, flow: Any | None = None, _config_quiet: bool = False, _no_revalidate_conf: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: TclStep

  • config (Optional[Config])

  • state_in (Future[State])

  • id (str)

  • name (str)

  • long_name (str)

  • flow (Optional[Any])

  • _config_quiet (bool)

  • _no_revalidate_conf (bool)

get_command() List[str]


This command should be overridden by subclasses and replaced with a command incorporating the appropriate tool: e.g. openroad, yosys, et cetera.


A list of strings representing the command used to run the script, including the result of get_script_path().

Return type:


abstract get_script_path() str



A path to the Tcl script to be run by this step.

Return type:


run(state_in: State, **kwargs) Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]


This overridden run() function prepares configuration variables and inputs for use with Tcl: specifically, it converts them all to environment variables so they may be used by the Tcl scripts being called. See prepare_env() for more info.

Additionally, it logs the output to a .log file named after the script.

When overriding in a subclass, you may find it useful to use this pattern:

kwargs, env = self.extract_env(kwargs)
return super().run(state_in, env=env, **kwargs)

This will allow you to add further custom environment variables to a call while still respecting an env argument further up the call-stack.

  • state_in (State) – See superclass.

  • **kwargs – Passed on to subprocess execution: useful if you want to redirect stdin, stdout, etc.


see superclass

Return type:

Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]

class openlane.steps.OpenROADAlert(cls: Literal['warning', 'error'], code: str | None, message: str)

Bases: object

Data structure encapsulating an alert (warning or error) from OpenROAD.

  • cls (Literal['warning', 'error'])

  • code (str | None)

  • message (str)

class openlane.steps.OpenROADOutputProcessor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: OutputProcessor

A special output processor for steps leveraging OpenROAD-based subprocesses.

It captures [ERROR] and [WARNING] lines into a data structure where they can be further processed by the step itself rather than simply printed to the terminal.

process_line(line: str)

If a line contains an OpenROAD error/warning, it is processed and handed over to the step’s on_alert method.


line (str) – The line in question


True if the line has alerts, False if the line has no alerts

result() List[OpenROADAlert]

A list of OpenROAD alerts captured by this output processor

Return type:


class openlane.steps.SupportsOpenROADAlerts(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Protocol

A listener for OpenROADOutputProcessor. Fires whenever a line contains an alert.

on_alert(alert: OpenROADAlert) OpenROADAlert

alert (OpenROADAlert) – The alert found in the processed line


The alert once again, modified at the step object’s leisure

Return type:


class openlane.steps.OpenROADStep(config: Config | None = None, state_in: State | None | Future[State] = None, *, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, long_name: str | None = None, flow: Any | None = None, _config_quiet: bool = False, _no_revalidate_conf: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: TclStep

  • config (Optional[Config])

  • state_in (Future[State])

  • id (str)

  • name (str)

  • long_name (str)

  • flow (Optional[Any])

  • _config_quiet (bool)

  • _no_revalidate_conf (bool)

abstract get_script_path() str



A path to the Tcl script to be run by this step.

Return type:


prepare_env(env: dict, state: State) dict


Creates a copy of an environment dictionary, then converts all accessible self.config variables and state inputs to environment variables so they may be used as inputs to the scripts.

Inputs are assigned the keys CURRENT_{ID} where ID is the relevant DesignFormat’s enum name.

Outputs are assigned the keys CURRENT_{ID} where ID is the relevant DesignFormat’s enum name, although outputs with multiple values (SPEF, etc) will be skipped and a step is expected to handle creating variables for them on its own.

The values are converted to strings as per value_to_tcl().

  • env (dict) – The input environment dictionary

  • state (State) – The input state


a copy of the environment dictionary where self.config variables

Return type:


run(state_in, **kwargs) Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]

The run() override for the OpenROADStep class handles two things:

1. Before the super() call: It creates a version of the lib file minus cells that are known bad (i.e. those that fail DRC) and pass it on in the environment variable _PNR_LIBS.

2. After the super() call: Processes the or_metrics_out.json file and updates the State’s metrics property with any new metrics in that object.

Return type:

Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]

get_command() List[str]


This command should be overridden by subclasses and replaced with a command incorporating the appropriate tool: e.g. openroad, yosys, et cetera.


A list of strings representing the command used to run the script, including the result of get_script_path().

Return type:


layout_preview() str | None

An HTML tag that could act as a preview for a specific stage or None if a preview is unavailable for this step.

Return type:

str | None

class openlane.steps.OdbpyStep(config: Config | None = None, state_in: State | None | Future[State] = None, *, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, long_name: str | None = None, flow: Any | None = None, _config_quiet: bool = False, _no_revalidate_conf: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: Step

  • config (Optional[Config])

  • state_in (Future[State])

  • id (str)

  • name (str)

  • long_name (str)

  • flow (Optional[Any])

  • _config_quiet (bool)

  • _no_revalidate_conf (bool)

run(state_in, **kwargs) Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]


The “core” of a step.

This step is considered per-object private, i.e., if a Step’s run is called anywhere outside of the same object’s start(), its behavior is undefined.

  • state_in

    The input state.

    Note that self.state_in is stored as a future and would need to be resolved before use first otherwise.

    For reference, start() is responsible for resolving it for .run().

  • **kwargs – Passed on to subprocess execution: useful if you want to redirect stdin, stdout, etc.

Return type:

Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]

class openlane.steps.MagicStep(config: Config | None = None, state_in: State | None | Future[State] = None, *, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, long_name: str | None = None, flow: Any | None = None, _config_quiet: bool = False, _no_revalidate_conf: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: TclStep

  • config (Optional[Config])

  • state_in (Future[State])

  • id (str)

  • name (str)

  • long_name (str)

  • flow (Optional[Any])

  • _config_quiet (bool)

  • _no_revalidate_conf (bool)

abstract get_script_path() str



A path to the Tcl script to be run by this step.

Return type:


get_command() List[str]


This command should be overridden by subclasses and replaced with a command incorporating the appropriate tool: e.g. openroad, yosys, et cetera.


A list of strings representing the command used to run the script, including the result of get_script_path().

Return type:


prepare_env(env: dict, state: State) dict


Creates a copy of an environment dictionary, then converts all accessible self.config variables and state inputs to environment variables so they may be used as inputs to the scripts.

Inputs are assigned the keys CURRENT_{ID} where ID is the relevant DesignFormat’s enum name.

Outputs are assigned the keys CURRENT_{ID} where ID is the relevant DesignFormat’s enum name, although outputs with multiple values (SPEF, etc) will be skipped and a step is expected to handle creating variables for them on its own.

The values are converted to strings as per value_to_tcl().

  • env (dict) – The input environment dictionary

  • state (State) – The input state


a copy of the environment dictionary where self.config variables

Return type:


run(state_in: State, **kwargs) Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]


This overridden run() function prepares configuration variables and inputs for use with Tcl: specifically, it converts them all to environment variables so they may be used by the Tcl scripts being called. See prepare_env() for more info.

Additionally, it logs the output to a .log file named after the script.

When overriding in a subclass, you may find it useful to use this pattern:

kwargs, env = self.extract_env(kwargs)
return super().run(state_in, env=env, **kwargs)

This will allow you to add further custom environment variables to a call while still respecting an env argument further up the call-stack.

  • state_in (State) – See superclass.

  • **kwargs – Passed on to subprocess execution: useful if you want to redirect stdin, stdout, etc.


see superclass

Return type:

Tuple[Dict[DesignFormat, Path | List[Path] | Dict[str, Path | List[Path]] | None], Dict[str, Any]]

class openlane.steps.NetgenStep(config: Config | None = None, state_in: State | None | Future[State] = None, *, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, long_name: str | None = None, flow: Any | None = None, _config_quiet: bool = False, _no_revalidate_conf: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: TclStep

  • config (Optional[Config])

  • state_in (Future[State])

  • id (str)

  • name (str)

  • long_name (str)

  • flow (Optional[Any])

  • _config_quiet (bool)

  • _no_revalidate_conf (bool)

abstract get_script_path() str



A path to the Tcl script to be run by this step.

Return type:


get_command() List[str]


This command should be overridden by subclasses and replaced with a command incorporating the appropriate tool: e.g. openroad, yosys, et cetera.


A list of strings representing the command used to run the script, including the result of get_script_path().

Return type:
